
Shoryuken sho-ryu-ken is a super-efficient AWS SQS thread-based message processor.

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Key features

Load balancing

Yeah, Shoryuken load balances the messages consumption!

Given this configuration:

concurrency: 25
delay: 25
  - [high_priority, 6]
  - [normal_priority, 2]
  - [low_priority, 1]

And supposing all the queues are full of messages, the configuration above will make Shoryuken to process high_priority 3 times more than normal_priority and 6 times more than low_priority, splitting the work load among all available processors concurrency: 25 .

If high_priority gets empty, Shoryuken will keep using the 25 processors, but only to process normal_priority and low_priority.

If high_priority receives a new message, Shoryuken will smoothly increase back its weight one by one until it reaches the weight of 6 again.

If a queue gets empty, Shoryuken will pause checking it for delay: 25.

Fetch in batches

To be even more performant and cost effective, Shoryuken fetches SQS messages in batches, so a single SQS request can fetch up to 10 messages.


Ruby 2.0 or greater.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'shoryuken'

Or to get the latest updates:

gem 'shoryuken', github: 'phstc/shoryuken', branch: 'master'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install shoryuken


Worker class

class MyWorker
  include Shoryuken::Worker

  shoryuken_options queue: 'default', auto_delete: true
  # shoryuken_options queue: ->{ "#{ENV['environment']}_default" }

  # shoryuken_options body_parser: :json
  # shoryuken_options body_parser: ->(sqs_msg){ }
  # shoryuken_options body_parser: JSON

  def perform(sqs_msg, body)
    puts body

Check the Worker options documention.

Sending a message

Check the Sending a message documentation


class MyMiddleware
  def call(worker_instance, queue, sqs_msg, body)
    puts 'Before work'
    puts 'After work'

Check the Middleware documentation.

Shoryuken Configuration

Sample configuration file shoryuken.yml.

concurrency: 25  # The number of allocated threads to process messages. Default 25
delay: 25        # The delay in seconds to pause a queue when it's empty. Default 0
  - [high_priority, 6]
  - [normal_priority, 2]
  - [low_priority, 1]

AWS Configuration

Check the Configure AWS Client documentation

Rails Integration

Check the Rails Integration Active Job documention.

Start Shoryuken

bundle exec shoryuken -r worker.rb -C shoryuken.yml

For other options check bundle exec shoryuken help start

SQS commands

Check also some available SQS commands bundle exec shoryuken help sqs, such as:

  • ls list queues
  • mv move messages from one queue to another
  • dump dump messages from a queue into a JSON lines file
  • requeue requeue messages from a dump file

More Information

For more information on advanced topics such as signals (shutdown), ActiveJob integration, and so on please check the Shoryuken Wiki.


Mike Perham, creator of Sidekiq, and everybody who contributed to it. Shoryuken wouldn't exist as it is without those contributions.


  1. Fork it ( )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request