Shellable Build Status Gem Version

Open a REPL within the context of any Ruby object. Originally written for the TimeBoss gem.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

# update with the version of your choice
gem 'shellable'

And then execute:

$ bundle install

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install shellable


Imagine you're building a new Ruby library, and you'd like to provide users with a way to experiment with that new library from the inside. When developing the TimeBoss gem, I wanted to create a Rake task to do just that.

require 'timeboss/calendars'

calendar = TimeBoss::Calendars[:broadcast]
# => #<TimeBoss::Calendars::Broadcast:0x007fea08a40408 @basis=TimeBoss::Calendars::Broadcast::Basis>

Once the desired target object for our REPL has been created, we can simply make it "shellable":

require 'shellable'

To check out a real-life example, head over to the TimeBoss timeboss:calendars:*:repl task definition.

$ rake timeboss:calendars:broadcast:repl
2.4.1 :001 > this_week
 => #<TimeBoss::Calendar::Week start_date=2020-08-10, end_date=2020-08-16>
2.4.1 :002 > parse('2020Q4..2021Q2')
 => #<TimeBoss::Calendar::Period[#<TimeBoss::Calendar::Quarter start_date=2020-09-28, end_date=2020-12-27>..#<TimeBoss::Calendar::Quarter start_date=2021-03-29, end_date=2021-06-27>] start_date=2020-09-28, end_date=2021-06-27>
2.4.1 :003 >


Please submit an issue. We'll figure out how to get you up and running with Shellable as smoothly as possible.