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Designed with the obsessive developer in mind, Sheldon makes it easy for you to manage your .dotfiles and configs across all your OS X / linux devices.


1) gem install sheldon 2) sheldon setup path/to/data-directory to tell Sheldon where your existing data directory resides, or otherwise where a new data directory should be created. 3) Sync your data directory across all your different hosts using your preferred method (git, rsync, Dropbox, Resilio Sync), so Sheldon's knowledge is available everywhere.

How It Works

Add files/folders to Sheldon (sheldon learn)

Teach Sheldon about new files or directories using the learn command:

sheldon learn ~/.gitconfig
Recall Cue For File/Folder: git

Sheldon will move the original file/directory into his data directory and symlink the file/directory back to it's original location.

ls -al ~ | grep .gitconfig
.gitconfig -> /Users/dave/sheldon/git/.gitconfig

Recall your files on other machines (sheldon recall)

Sheldon's recall command will symlink the file from the data directory to it's correct location on any filesystem (even under different home directories):

sheldon recall git

ls -al ~ | grep .gitconfig
.gitconfig -> /Users/john/sheldon/git/.gitconfig

Pass the -i flag to Sheldon's recall command for interactive mode:

sheldon recall -i
Recall git_config (Y/N): y
Recall .zshrc (Y/N): y

Build Bespoke Configs For Your Host (sheldon build)

Sometimes copying an entire config file between all your machine is overkill. What if you only want a subset of your configuration? Sheldon can help.

Split your ssh config into config_work and config_personal
Use Sheldon learn and recall to make the appropriate _config files available on the appropriate hosts.
Once the files are in the right place, use Sheldon build to create a single config file that can be easily sourced.

cd ~/.ssh

ls -l
config_dev -> /Users/dave/sheldon/ssh_config_dev/config_dev
config_personal -> /Users/dave/sheldon/ssh_config_personal/config_personal

sheldon build ~/.ssh
💥 Sheldon💥  Built .ssh

ls -l
config_dev -> /Users/dave/sheldon/ssh_config_dev/config_dev
config_personal -> /Users/dave/sheldon/ssh_config_personal/config_personal

source ~/.ssh/config


  1. Fork it ([your-github-username]/sheldon/fork )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Make sure you haven't broken anything bundle exec rspec
  5. Add your own specs for your new feature
  6. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  7. Create a new Pull Request
