Store and fetch data from a JSON file using the command line.

Made with <3 by @olistik


GNU General Public License (GPL) version 3


gem install shashi



  --file "FILE" # Uses FILE as the desired file path for the storage. Defaults to `./shashi__db.json`.
  --setup # Creates the storage file with an empty set.
  --path "PATH" # `PATH := List<KEY>[separator:.]`. Address the document's item by chaining a list of keys. For example: `key1.key2.key3`.

  # Common options

  --no-echo # When prompted for a value, doesn't show it while typing.
  --force # Doesn't ask for confirmation.
  --delete "KEY" # Deletes the item. Asks for confirmation if it's a non-empty set or list.

  # Set commands

  --create-set "NAME" # Creates an empty set. Asks for confirmation if the key NAME already exists.
  --set "KEY:VALUE" # Sets the KEY to VALUE. Asks for confirmation if the key NAME already exists.
  --set "KEY" # Prompts for a value and sets KEY accordingly. Asks for confirmation if the key NAME already exists.
  --show "KEYS" # `KEYS := List<KEY>[separator:,]`. Shows the values associated with keys but not the content of sets/lists. For example: `name,e-mail`.
    --deep # Shows the values associated with KEYS (recursively) even if they contain sets or lists.

  # List commands

  --create-list "NAME" # Creates an empty list. Asks for confirmation if the key NAME already exists.
  --index "INDEX" # `INDEX := (Integer >= 0)`. References the n-th element of a list. Defaults to the size of the list (ie: the last element).
  --count # `COUNT := (Integer >= 0), defaults to 1`.
    --list-push "VALUES" # `VALUES := List<VALUE>[separator:,]`. Push VALUES into a list.
    --list-show # Shows `COUNT` elements of a list, starting from `INDEX`.
    --list-delete # Deletes `COUNT` elements from a list, starting from `INDEX`.


  • [ ] Persist and modify default values.
  • [ ] Apply a partial matching when specifying --path and raise an error in case of more than one match.
  • [ ] Allow the nesting of sets within lists (this should require an update in the way we handle the item's PATH).


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to


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