
A rails plugin use redis to cache models data.

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Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'shadow_model'

And then execute:

$ bundle


Add this to your model class, then the models will be cached with the assigned attributes and methods after saved or updated.

shadow_model attribute_or_method1, attribute_or_method2, ..., options

And use this to retrieve the model from redis.

model = YourModelClass.find_by_shadow(primary_key)


expirationSet the timeout of each cache.
update_expirationReset cache expiration after model updated (if expiration has been set).
expireatSet the absolute timeout timestamp of each cache.


# == Schema Information
# Table name: players
#  id                   :integer          not null, primary key
#  name                 :string(255)
#  stamina              :integer
#  created_at           :datetime         not null
#  updated_at           :datetime         not null

class Player < ActiveRecord::Base
  shadow_model :name, :stamina, :cacheable_method, expiration: 30.minutes

  def cacheable_method
    # heavy computation here
    "cacheable result"

player = Player.create(name: "player one")
shadow = Player.find_by_shadow(   # retrieve from redis

shadow.is_a?(Player)     # true
shadow.shadow_model?     # true
shadow.readonly?         # true              # "player one"
shadow.cacheable_method  # "cacheable result" (without recomputation)

shadow.reload            # reload from database
shadow.shadow_model?     # false
shadow.readonly?         # false



You can set the shadow option of has_many association to allow shadow_model to cache all the related models.

class Game < ActiveRecord::Base
  has_many :players, shadow: true

This will use hash data structure of redis to save the cache data, and you can retrieve all of them with one redis connection.

game = Game.create(name: "pikmin")
game.players.create(name: "player one")
game.players.create(name: "player two")

game.players_by_shadow # [#<Player id: 1, game_id: 1, name: "player one", ...>, #<Player id: 2, game_id: 1, name: "player two", ...>]

If you don't want to cache models seperately and use the association type only, you can set the association_only option to disable it.

class Player < ActiveRecord::Base
  shadow_model ..., association_only: true