
A CLI for scheduling pickups on SFWash (http://sfwash.com/schedule-a-pick-up).

SFWash, unfortunately, requires you to fill in your information (address, phone number, etc) with them every time. This script will save your details on your machine, and reuse them every time you need to schedule a pickup. Hooray!

Note: This code may be horribly brittle because it basically just POSTs to the SFWash website with the parameters required at the time of writing, but oh well!


Install the gem:

$ gem install sfwash

Then, to schedule a pickup (make sure you have your config file created first):

$ sfwash schedule

Or provide a day of the week:

$ sfwash schedule friday

Config file

At the moment, you must have a ~/.sfwash config file to use this script. Example config file:

  :name: Amber Feng
  :phone: 555-555-5555
  :email: [email protected]
  :address: 123 Main Street
  :apartment: N/A
  :day: Friday
  :time: Anytime_Access
  :instructions: OldPreferences
  :detergent: Last Order
  :bleach: Last Order
  :softener: Last Order


  • Gem-ify
  • Set date of pickup via CLI option
  • Enter/update details by CLI