
Simple execution framework for serverspec.


$ gem install serverspec-runner


initialize spec direcotries and create skeleton-specfiles.

$ serverspec-runner -r /path/to/your_serverspec_root

Edit your spec-files.

$ vim  /path/to/your_serverspec_root/test_top_dir/.../your_serverspec_test.rb

Edit your infrastructure or middleware tests scenario to "scenario.yml".

test_top_dir:          # test directory top
    :                  # test hierarchy directories
  test_bottom_dir:     # test directory bottom
    - servername       # ssh-accessible ip address or fqdn. or alias
    - :
  - :
servername:            # alias name(not required)
  host:   # ssh-accessible ip address or fqdn(required if alias exist)
  ssh_opts:            # ssh options(not required)
    port: 22           # ssh port option(not required)
    user: "anyone"     # ssh user option(not required)
      :                # any other Net::SSH Options(not required)
  any_attribute: "aaa" # host attributes. left example available to get "property[:servername][:any_attribute]" from code(not required)

do tests.

$ serverspec-runner -r /path/to/your_serverspec_root -s /path/to/your_scenario.yml


$ cd /path/to/your_serverspec_root && serverspec-runner

You can also specify ssh_options.yml(Net::SSH options) file by "-o" option for default ssh options.

$ serverspec-runner -s /path/to/your_scenario.yml -o /path/to/your_ssh_options.yml

For example. You write serverspec code like this.

describe "nginx" do

  describe "check running" do
    describe process('nginx') do
      it { should be_running }

  describe file('/etc/logrotate.d/nginx') do
    it { should be_file }
    it { should contain "rotate 14" }

You can get the following outputs.

  • serverspec-runner -t aa : asci-art table(default)

    |description                       | result |
    |example@anyhost-01(  |        |
    |  nginx                           |        |
    |    check running                 |        |
    |      Process "nginx"             |        |
    |        should be running         |   OK   |
    |    File "/etc/logrotate.d/nginx" |        |
    |      should be file              |   OK   |
    |      should contain "rotate 14"  |   OK   |
    |example@anyhost-02(  |        |
    |  nginx                           |        |
    |    check running                 |        |
    |      Process "nginx"             |        |
    |        should be running         |   OK   |
    |    File "/etc/logrotate.d/nginx" |        |
    |      should be file              |   OK   |
    |      should contain "rotate 14"  |   NG   |
  • serverspec-runner -t mkd : markdown table format

    |description                       | result |
    |example@anyhost-01(  |        |
    |  nginx                           |        |
    |    check running                 |        |
    |      Process "nginx"             |        |
    |        should be running         |   OK   |
    |    File "/etc/logrotate.d/nginx" |        |
    |      should be file              |   OK   |
    |      should contain "rotate 14"  |   OK   |
    |example@anyhost-02(  |        |
    |  nginx                           |        |
    |    check running                 |        |
    |      Process "nginx"             |        |
    |        should be running         |   OK   |
    |    File "/etc/logrotate.d/nginx" |        |
    |      should be file              |   OK   |
    |      should contain "rotate 14"  |   NG   |

this example parsed for markdown to that(use -e long option)

description result
nginx check running Process "nginx" should be running OK
nginx File "/etc/logrotate.d/nginx" should be file OK
nginx File "/etc/logrotate.d/nginx" should contain "rotate 14" OK
nginx check running Process "nginx" should be running OK
nginx File "/etc/logrotate.d/nginx" should be file OK
nginx File "/etc/logrotate.d/nginx" should contain "rotate 14" NG
  • serverspec-runner -t bool : only 'ok' or 'ng' result string.t You can use for cluster monitoring system health.
  • serverspec-runner -t csv : CSV file format You can get result CSV format output and can use redirect to file.
,,check running,,,
,,,Process "nginx",,
,,,,should be running,OK
,,File "/etc/logrotate.d/nginx",,,
,,,should be file,,OK
,,,should contain "rotate 14",,OK
,,check running,,,
,,,Process "nginx",,
,,,,should be running,OK
,,File "/etc/logrotate.d/nginx",,,
,,,should be file,,OK
,,,should contain "rotate 14",,NG

For more detail. You can see from serverspec-runner -h command.


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request