Serialize for Rails

Rails already supports serialization of attributes, but it can only do Yaml. This gem upgrades the default Rails serialize method so you can serialize into yaml, json, xml and with marshal (Ruby binary format). It also supports gzipping the output if you want it to take up less space.

Format can be one of the following:

:yaml, :json, :xml, :marshal

Yaml is the default, and serialize will behave just like normal if you don’t use any of the new options.

Example usage:

class Mouse < ActiveRecord::Base
  serialize :info, Hash, :format => :json
  serialize :data, :format => :xml, :gzip => true

When you use gzip you __must__ use a binary-compatible column type such as ‘BLOB` (MySQL) or `bytea` (PostgreSQL). If you don’t use gzip, ‘text` is recommended to allow strings of arbitrary length.