

Sequin is a collection of thor tasks that allow you to list, test and modify sequences of files on disk.


$ gem install sequin


$ sudo gem install sequin


The command is seq, followed by a task:


  • seq list [FILES] # List files as sequences.
  • seq match [FILES] -r, --regex=REGEX # Match filename naming conventions using a regular expression.
  • seq check [SIGNATURE] # Check the existence of files defined by a sequence signature.
  • seq generate [NAME] # Generate a seq config file containing regular expression definitions used in the seq match task.
  • seq help [TASK] # Describe available tasks or one specific task.
  • seq usage # Print the usage banner.

All tasks have a single letter alias. Use m instead of match, c instead of check etc.

List Sequences

seq list [FILES]

List the given files as sequences where possible.


  • -v, [--verbose=N] Specify how verbose to be when listing missing frames.

    • 0 Dont mention missing frames
    • 1 show missing frame count
    • 2 list missing frame numbers
    • Default: 1

Each line of output from this task is a sequence signature. It consists of a filename template: a filename where the sequence digits replaced with "#"s, followed by a range spec: start, end, and by frames in square brackets.

For example: ../test/a/op_063_8900.####.jpg [0 to 25 by 1]

If any frames are missing, the range spec will be colored red in the output, as will other information about the missing frames according to the verbose options.

$ seq l * -v 2
#### [1 to 30 by 1]
006_057_s3d_lf_r04.####.dpx [1 to 30 by 1]
006_057_s3d_lf_r05.#.dpx [1 to 30 by 1] - missing: [ 11,14,15,18,22 ]
006_057_s3d_lf_r06.#.dpx [1 to 30 by 1]
008_055_s3d_lf_r04.####.dpx [1 to 50 by 1]
fn_by_three.#.jpg [1 to 25 by 3] - missing: [ 19 ]
fn_by_two.#.jpg [1 to 29 by 2]

$ seq l 006* -v 1
006_057_s3d_lf_r04.####.dpx [1 to 30 by 1]
006_057_s3d_lf_r05.#.dpx [1 to 30 by 1] - missing: [ 5 frames ]
006_057_s3d_lf_r06.#.dpx [1 to 30 by 1]


seq match [FILES] -r, --regex=REGEX

Make sure filenames conform to file naming conventions by testing them against a regular expression.


  • -r, --regex=REGEX # Specify a regular expression literally, or by reference to one listed in ~/.seq.yml
  • -m, [--show-matched] # List files that match the regex, in green
  • -f, [--show-failed] # List files that failed to match the regex, in red
  • -a, [--show-all] # List all the files in order with color coding.

Normally you wouldn't want to type lengthy regular expressions on the command line, so instead they can be stored in a yaml file and referred to by the keys in the yaml data structure. The keys would typically represent projects and filetypes.

The yaml file looks something like this:

      dpx: ^[0-9]{3}_[0-9]{3}_s3d_(rt|lf)_r[0-9]{2}\.[0-9]{4}\.dpx$
      mcx: ^[0-9]{3}_[0-9]{3}_ver[0-9]{2,3}\.[0-9]{4}\.xml$
      dpx: ^[a-z]{2}_[0-9]{3}_[0-9]{4}_(L|R|C)\.[0-9]{4,5}\.dpx$
      mov: ^[a-z]{2}_h264_[0-9]{3,4}x[0-9]{3,4}_(film|pal|ntsc)\.mov$

The regular expression can then be referred to on the command line with --regex potter:dpx and so on.

$ seq m * -r potter:dpx
Testing against regular expression: /^[0-9]{3}_[0-9]{3}_s3d_(rt|lf)_r[0-9]{2}\.[0-9]{4}\.dpx$/ FAILED FAILED
#### [1 to 30 by 1] (0 MATCHED, 30 FAILED)
006_057_s3d_lf_r04.####.dpx [1 to 30 by 1] (30 MATCHED)
006_057_s3d_lf_r05.#.dpx [1 to 30 by 1] (0 MATCHED, 25 FAILED)
006_057_s3d_lf_r06.#.dpx [1 to 30 by 1] (0 MATCHED, 30 FAILED)
008_055_s3d_lf_r04.####.dpx [1 to 50 by 1] (50 MATCHED)
fn_by_three.#.jpg [1 to 28 by 3] (0 MATCHED, 10 FAILED)
fn_by_two.#.jpg [1 to 29 by 2] (0 MATCHED, 15 FAILED)
op_063_8900.####.jpg [0 to 25 by 1] (0 MATCHED, 26 FAILED)

Check membership

seq check [SIGNATURE]

Check the existence of files defined by a sequence signature.


  • -f, [--show-found] # List files from the signature that are on disk.
  • -m, [--show-missing] # List files from the signature that are missing on disk.
  • -e, [--show-extra] # List files that are on disk but not in the signature.
  • -a, [--show-all] # List the union of all files on disk or in the signature.

Files may either be found, missing, or extra. Extra means the file exists on disk but not in the signature. With no flags, the output will be just a single line showing the number of found, missing or extra. By using the flags, you can list the individual files in the sequence with color coding and and in order.

$ seq c 006_057_s3d_lf_r04.####.dpx [1 to 30 by 1]
006_057_s3d_lf_r04.####.dpx [found: 30] [missing: 0] [extra: 0]

$  seq c 006_057_s3d_lf_r04.####.dpx [5 to 35 by 1]
006_057_s3d_lf_r04.####.dpx [found: 26] [missing: 5] [extra: 4]

$  seq c 006_057_s3d_lf_r04.####.dpx [5 to 35 by 2] -m
006_057_s3d_lf_r04.####.dpx [found: 13] [missing: 3] [extra: 17]


seq generate [NAME]

Generate the .sequin config file in your home directory ~/.seq.yml


  • -f, [--force] # Overwrite the file if it exists.

Currently, NAME must be config. This file contains regular expression definitions used in the seq match task.

$  seq g config
Skipping write of /Users/julianmann/.seq.yml because it exists. Use --force to remove it.

$  seq g config -f
Generating /Users/julianmann/.seq.yml

How Sequin finds sequences

The goal of the sequence listing algorithm is to find sequences without the need for the user to specify where the numbers are in the filenames, or what characters delimit the numbers. This can be tricky because a filename may contain many parts containing numbers. Here's a real world example: 004_055_s3d_lf_r04.0001.dpx How can we know which number part correctly represents the sequence? It could be any of the following


The strategy we employ is to use the number part that causes the file to be in the largest sequence.

Consider the files:


There are 5 possible sequences here. Each file could be in 2 of them, one containing 2 files, one containing 3.

file.04.0001.ext could be in file.##.0001.ext or file.04.####.ext

There are more files in file.04.####.ext than file.##.0001.ext, so we resolve to file.04.####.ext for this file.

To Do

  • Add support for listing recursively
  • Add modifier tasks such as pad, offset, replace etc.
  • Test colors in shells other than bash.
  • Test on Ruby 1.8.7. Currently works under Ruby 1.9.2


See the LICENSE file for further details.