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SequelTools brings some tooling around Sequel migrations and database management, providing tasks to create, drop and migrate the database, plus dumping and restoring from the last migrated schema. It can also display which migrations are applied and which ones are missing. It's highly customizable and supports multiple databases or environments. It integrates well with Rake as well.

Currently only PostgreSQL is supported out-of-the-box for some tasks, but it should allow you to specify the database vendor specific commands to support your vendor of choice without requiring changes to SequelTools itself. Other vendors can be supported through additional gems or you may want to submit pull requests for your preferred DB vendor if you prefer so that it would be supported out-of-the-box by this gem.

The idea behind SequelTools is to create a collection of supported actions, which depend on the database adapter/vendor. Those supported actions can then be translated to Rake tasks as a possible interface.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'sequel_tools'

And then execute:



Here's a sample Rakefile supporting migrate actions:

require 'bundler/setup'
require 'sequel_tools'

base_config = SequelTools.base_config(
  project_root: File.expand_path(__dir__),
  dbadapter: 'postgres',
  dbname: 'mydb',
  username: 'myuser',
  password: 'secret',
  maintenancedb: 'postgres' # for tasks such as creating the database

namespace 'db' do
  SequelTools.inject_rake_tasks base_config.merge(dump_schema_on_migrate: true), self

namespace 'dbtest' do
  SequelTools.inject_rake_tasks base_config.merge(dbname: 'mydb_test'), self

Then you are able to run several tasks (rake -T will list all supported):

rake db:create
rake db:new_migration[migration_name]
rake db:migrate
rake dbtest:setup

Development and running tests

The tests assume the database sequel_tools_test_pw exists and can be only accessed using a username and password. It also assumes a valid user/passwd is user_tools_user/secret. The database sequel_tools_test is also required to exist and it should be possible to access it using the trust authentication method, without requiring a password. You may achieve that by adding these lines to the start of your pg_hba.conf:

host sequel_tools_test_pw   all md5
host sequel_tools_test      all trust

Then feel free to run the tests:

bundle exec rspec

The default strategy is a safe one, which uses Open3.capture3 to actually run bundle exec rake ... whenever we want to test the Rake integration and we do that many times in the tests. Running bundle exec is slow, so it adds a lot to the test suite total execution time. Alternatively, although less robust, you may run the tests using a fork-rake approach, which avoids calling bundle exec each time we want to run a Rake task. Just define the FORK_RAKE environment variable:

FORK_RAKE=1 bundle exec rspec

In my environment this would complete the full suite in about half the time.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.