This gem adds the Sequel::Dataset#replace_select_with_alias method. The method replaces selected columns from a dataset with aliases for the same column names. It preserves the order in which columns are already selected.

If the aliased column isn't already selected in the dataset then the method returns the existing dataset unchanged.

This functionality is particularly useful when building up a SELECT statement as the input for an INSERT when some columns need to be transformed (i.e. replaced with an alias) before they are inserted.

Example usages:

DB[:items].select(:a, :b).replace_select_with_alias("1", :a))
# SELECT '1' AS a, b FROM items

DB[:items].replace_select_with_alias("1", :a))
# SELECT * FROM items

DB[:items].select(:a).replace_select_with_alias("1", :b))
# SELECT a FROM items

DB[:items].select(:a, :b).replace_select_with_alias { |o|"1", o.a) }
# SELECT '1' AS a, b FROM items