Class: Sequel::LiteralString

String show all
SQL::ComplexExpressionMethods, SQL::OrderMethods
Defined in:


LiteralString is used to represent literal SQL expressions. A LiteralString is copied verbatim into an SQL statement. Instances of LiteralString can be created by calling String#lit. LiteralStrings can use all of the SQL::ColumnMethods and the SQL::ComplexExpressionMethods.

Method Summary

Methods included from SQL::ComplexExpressionMethods

#extract, #sql_boolean, #sql_number, #sql_string

Methods included from SQL::StringMethods

#ilike, #like

Methods included from SQL::BooleanMethods


Methods included from SQL::OrderMethods

#asc, #desc

Methods inherited from String

#blank?, #camelize, #classify, #constantize, #dasherize, #demodulize, #foreign_key, #humanize, inflections, #lit, #pluralize, #singularize, #split_sql, #tableize, #titleize, #to_blob, #to_date, #to_datetime, #to_sequel_time, #to_sql, #to_time, #underscore

Methods included from SQL::CastMethods

#cast, #cast_numeric, #cast_string

Methods included from SQL::AliasMethods
