A single gem for custom Sensu checks developed by Team Green Dragon. At the time of writing there's only one such check:

  • check-non-success-ratio.rb - checks whether the ratio between successful (200) and unsuccessful (non-200) requests to the API matches specified criteria (see code comments for example usage).


To install necessary dependencies on your local computer:

bundle install


There's no "sensu plugins test framework", so the easiest way of testing a check is running it with different params e.g.

./check-non-success-ratio.rb  -H influx_url -d influx_database -u influx_user -p influx_password -a your_app_name -w 'value >= 0.1' -c 'value >= 0.2'


To build the gem:

gem build sensu-plugins-green-dragon.gemspec


To publish the gem to RubyGems:

  1. Ask Grzegorz to give you necessary rights.
  2. Execute: gem push sensu-plugins-green-dragon-VERSION.gem