
Sensu plugin that reads a particular metric from collectd, using the collectd socket, and ensures that it is bellow the given critical and warning thresholds. If it is not, it will generate either a critical or warning alert in sensu. Otherwise, it will generate a sensu ok.



Use the latest version of the check-collectd-socket-metric.rb from releases. See the sensu installation instructions

This plugin is available as a gem, so you can do

gem install sensu-plugin-collectd

Collectd: what you need to know to use this plugin

To use this sensu check you need to be at least vaguely familiar with collectd. You can check the docs. What you will need to know is the name of the metric, and the metric from the list you want to alert on. If you want to see all the metrics available in a machine:

~$ collectdctl LISTVAL


To query a particular metric:

~$ collectdctl GETVAL server-name-1-ip-172-1-2-3//processes-logstash/ps_count

If you want to alert on server-name-1-ip-172-1-2-3/collectd-cache/cache_size, youwill need to pass down the metric collectd-cache/cache_size


You can run the following to display the help

check-collectd-socket-metric.rb -h

You will need to provide a warning threshold and a critical threshold, a metric ID or a regular expresion to match the metric. Optionally, you can also provide a value for the metric (if the metric id will return a list of metrics). But default it will alert on value

Mandatory parameters

  1. Metric id (-m --metric) or regular expression (-r --regexp). One, and only one of them must be provided.

If you want to alert on server-name-1-ip-172-1-2-3/collectd-cache/cache_size, youwill need to pass down the metric -m collectd-cache/cache_size

Alternative, a very simple regular expresion can be used: you can use * as a wildcard to match serveral metrics, and alert on the highest value of all of them. Only * as a wildcard is supported and tested. Anything else can produce unexpected behaviour. You can find an example at the end of this document. Please, ensure you test the regular expression (manually run the check) before starting to use it.

  1. Warning threshold (-w --warning): warning threshold to alert on. If the metric is higher than the warning threshold, the plugin will send a warning to sensu.

  2. Critical threshold (-c --critical): critical threshold to alert on. If the metric is higher than the critical threshold, the plugin will send a critical to sensu. It will only send a critical, and not a critical and a warning.

Optional parameters

  1. Path to the collectd socket (-s --socket). By default /var/run/collectd-unisock. If it is in a different location, this option can be used to change it.
  2. Timeout (-t --timeout). 20 seconds by default. The check will timeout if it runs more than the timeout limit, sending a critical to sensu. It is provided in seconds.
  3. Metric value from the metric list (-d --data_name). By default, it is value. If there are multiple values and we need to select one, we can use this option.


  • Alerting on a single metric If you want to alert on server-name-1-ip-172-1-2-3/collectd-cache/cache_size, you will need to pass down the metric collectd-cache/cache_size

    collectd_plugin.rb -m /uptime/uptime   -c 200400 -w 190000

    We can expect an output like:

    CheckCollectdSocket CRITICAL: host-name_1-ip-172-1-2-3/uptime/uptime[value] =  = 192291.00 is over the warning limit (190000.00)
  • Alerting in a set of metrics If for example, we have 8 CPUs, and we want to alert if any of them goes above certain usage, we can use the regexp option:

    collectd_plugin.rb -r "cpu-*/cpu-idle" -c 99 -w 80

    We can expect an output like:

    CheckCollectdSocket WARNING: clickhouse-server-shard_1-ip-172-26-161-164/cpu-4/cpu-idle[value] = 97.93 is over the warning limit (80.00)

*. Specifying a different metric value If we have a ps_count metric that will return processes and threads, we can alert on the number of threads by setting the data_name:

collectd_plugin.rb -m processes-collectd/ps_count -c 10 -w 8 -d threads

It will return something like this:

CheckCollectdSocket CRITICAL: clickhouse-server-shard_1-ip-172-26-161-164/processes-collectd/ps_count[threads] = 12.00 is over the critical limit (10.00)

*. Changing the socket path If the collectd socket is in a different location to the default, we can set it:

collectd_plugin.rb -m processes-collectd/ps_count -c 10 -w 8 -d threads -s /var/run/collectd-unisock

*. Changing the default timeout We can set a custom timeout for the check with --timeout (seconds)

collectd_plugin.rb -m processes-collectd/ps_count -c 10 -w 8 -d threads -t 10