
Sensu gem to get varnish metrics. Uses plain data out of varnish. Supports sudo for better access rights management. Supports more than one varnish instance per host by letting you define an append string (ie: "hostname.appendstring.varnish.MAIN.cache_hits 1").




This gem will give an actual installation explanation, as the default sensu plugins miss it and the sensu documentation lacks any detailed explanation.

If this gem is listed in, you can just go ahead and do ~~sensu-install -p sensu-check-varnish~~

Updated: As Sensu expects the naming to be "sensu-plugins-FOO", you need to do it another way:

/opt/sensu/embedded/bin/gem install --no-ri --no-rdoc sensu-checks-varnish

If this does not work for you, you can still install it; the hard way.

git clone [email protected]:vmpublishing/sensu-checks-varnish [SOME_PATH]
/opt/sensu/embedded/bin/gem build *.gemspec
/opt/sensu/embedded/bin/gem install *.gem

Alter /opt/sensu/embedded/bin/gem to the path to the gem-file sensu uses on your machine.




name parameter_name default value required description
sudo -s, --sudo false no boolean, turns sudo usage on. (ie: sudo varnishstat -1)
varnish_name -n, --name '' no custom varnish instance name. Varnish defaults to node name, so this is not required.
fields -f, --fields '' no a comma separated list of fields to get, instead of everything. ie: varnishstat -1 -f field1 -f field2
scheme -C, --scheme [hostname].varnish no Metric naming scheme, text to prepend to metric and scheme_append
scheme_append -S, --scheme_append nil no Set a string that will be placed right after the host identification and the script identification but before the measurements (ie. hostname.scheme_append.varnish.slow_requests)

sample json config file for sockets

  "metrics": {
    "metric_varnish": {
      "type":         "metric",
      "command":      "metric-varnish.rb -s",
      "standalone":   true,
      "interval":     10,
      "timeout":      120,
      "ttl":          180


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at