Senkyoshi Canvas Plugin

This plugin enables the use of the Senkyoshi converter inside of Canvas. It adds a blackboard cartridge option to the import content dropdown for a course.


Add a file inside the Gemfile.d folder

# Gemfile.d/senkyoshi.rb
gem "canvas_cc", git: ""
sysadmin@appserver:~$ cd /path/to/canvas/gems/plugins
sysadmin@appserver:/path/to/canvas/gems/plugins$ git clone

Now bundle install and bundle exec rake canvas:compile_assets and rails server.

After it is up, login with the site admin account and head over to the /plugins route (Navigated to by clicking Admin -> Site Admin -> Plugins). Once there, scroll down to Senkyoshi Conversion Importer and click into it. Enable the plugin and add your Scorm information if needed.

You should be all set now. Enjoy!