
Ruby client for the SendRegning Web Service.

Getting started

Install with RubyGems:

$ gem install sendregning

Now start sending invoices:

# Create a new client
client ='[email protected]', 'myawesomepassword')

# Start a new email invoice
invoice = client.new_invoice(

:name => ‘My Client’, :zip => ‘0123’, :city => ‘Oslo’, :shipment => :email, :emailaddresses => ‘[email protected]


# Add an item
invoice.add_line :qty => 1, :desc => 'Bananaphone', :unitPrice => '500,00'

# Send it away!

# Get the invoice number for future reference
id = invoice.invoiceNo

Let’s check how we’re doing!

invoice = client.find_invoice(id)
invoice.paid? # => true

Pass :test => true to the constructor to use the test API

# Create a new client
client ='[email protected]', 'myawesomepassword', :test => true)

Copyright © 2010 Inge Jørgensen. See LICENSE for details.