The RSpec Selfie Formatter

An RSpec Formatter for the new generation of programmers.

Selfie Formatter Animation

The Selfie Formatter takes photos of you while your tests run and uses them to track progress and format the results.

Currently only works on OS X with iTerm2 >= 3.0. Warning see known issues.


ImageMagick is required

brew install imagemagick --with-fontconfig


gem install selfie_formatter

Or, in your Gemfile

gem "selfie_formatter", :group => "test"


rspec -f SelfieFormatter

Known Issues

  1. Photos are taken via imagesnap, which is a fine program but can quickly eat up memory. Upwards of 500 MB after 10 or 15 seconds.

  2. Photos are taken every 300ms. Unused photos are cleaned up after every test completes but if a single test takes a while to complete photos can start to eat up disk space.

  3. Spec numbers are added to the top left of each image. They will not show up if the background is dark.

At some point I may write something that does not fake the Camera interface via fork. imagesnap and CaptureCamera are good starting points.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.