SecretHub - GitHub Secrets CLI

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SecretHub lets you easily manage your GitHub secrets from the command line with support for bulk operations.


$ gem install secret_hub


SecretHub is a wrapper around the GitHub Secrets API. To use it, you need to set up your environment with a GitHub Access Token:

$ export GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN=<your access token>


SecretHub has two families of commands:

  1. Commands that operate on a single repository.
  2. Commands that operate on multiple repositories, and multiple secrets.

Most commands are self explanatory, and described by the CLI.

$ secrethub --help

Single repository operations

Show the secret keys in a repository

# secrethub list REPO
$ secrethub list you/your-repo

Create or update a secret in a repository

# secrethub save REPO KEY VALUE
$ secrethub list you/your-repo SECRET "there is no spoon"

Delete a secret from a repository

# secrethub delete REPO KEY
$ secrethub list you/your-repo SECRET

Bulk operations

All the bulk operations function by using a simple YAML configuration file. The configuration file includes a list of GitHub repositories, each with a list of its secrets.

For example:

# secrethub.yml


Each list of secrets can either be an array, or a hash.

Using array syntax

All secrets must be defined as environment variables.


Using hash syntax

Each secret may define its value, or leave it blank. When a secret value is blank, it will be loaded from the environment.

  PASSWORD: p4ssw0rd

Using YAML anchors

SecretHub ignores any key that does not look like a repository (does not include a slash /). Using this feature, you can define reusable YAML anchors:

docker: &docker

  <<: *docker
  PASSWORD: p4ssw0rd

Note that YAML anchors only work with the hash syntax.

Create a sample configuration file

# secrethub bulk init [CONFIG]
$ secrethub bulk init mysecrets.yml

Show the configuration file and its secrets

# secrethub bulk show [CONFIG --visible]
$ secrethub bulk show mysecrets.yml

Show all secrets stored on GitHub in all repositories

# secrethub bulk list [CONFIG]
$ secrethub bulk list mysecrets.yml

Save multiple secrets to multiple repositories

# secrethub bulk save [CONFIG --clean]
$ secrethub bulk save mysecrets.yml --clean

Using the --clean flag, you can ensure that the repositories do not have any secrets that you are unaware of. This flag will delete any secret that is not specified in your config file.

Delete secrets from multiple repositories unless they are specified in the config file

# secrethub bulk clean [CONFIG]
$ secrethub bulk clean mysecrets.yml

Contributing / Support

If you experience any issue, have a question or a suggestion, or if you wish to contribute, feel free to open an issue.