Secret Config

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Centralized Configuration and Secrets Management for Ruby and Rails applications.

Securely store configuration information centrally, supporting multiple tenants of the same application.


Supports storing configuration information in:

  • File
    • Development and testing use.
  • Environment Variables
    • Environment Variables take precedence and can be used to override any setting.
  • AWS System Manager Parameter Store
    • Encrypt and securely store secrets such as passwords centrally.


Benefits of moving sensitive configuration information into AWS System Manager Parameter Store:

  • Hierarchical structure is maintained.
    • Environment variables force all config into a single level.
  • Reduces the number of environment variables.
    • In a large application the number of secrets can grow dramatically.
  • Removes the need to encrypt sensitive data config files.
    • Including securing and managing encryption keys.
  • When encryption keys change, such as during a key rotation, config files don't have to be changed.
  • Removes security concerns with placing passwords in the clear into environment variables.
  • AWS System Manager Parameter Store does not charge for parameters.
    • Still recommend using a custom KMS key that charges only $1 per month.
    • Amounts as of 4/2019. Confirm what AWS charges you for these services.
  • AWS Secrets Manager charges for every secret being managed, which can accumulate quickly with large projects.
  • Configure multiple distinct application instances to support multiple tenants.
    • For example, use separate databases with unique credentials for each tenant.
  • Separation of responsibilities is achieved since operations can manage production configuration.
    • Developers do not need to be involved with production configuration such as host names and passwords.
  • All values are encrypted by default when stored in the AWS Parameter Store.
    • Prevents accidentally not encrypting sensitive data.


When Secret Config starts up it reads all configuration entries into memory for all keys under the configured path. This means that once Secret Config has initialized all calls to Secret Config are extremely fast.

The in-memory copy of the registry can be refreshed at any time by calling SecretConfig.refresh!. It can be refreshed via a process signal, or by calling it through an event, or via a messaging system.

It is suggested that any programmatic lookup to values stored in Secret Config are called every time a value is being used, rather than creating a local copy of the value. This ensures that a refresh of the registry will take effect immediately for any code reading from Secret Config.


When Secret Config starts up it reads all configuration entries immediately for all keys under the configured path. This means that once Secret Config has initialized all calls to Secret Config are extremely fast.

Secret Config supports the following programmatic interface:

Read values

Fetch the value for the supplied key, returning nil if not found:

# Key is present:
# => "info"

# Key is missing:
# => nil

Fetch the value for the supplied key, raising SecretConfig::MissingMandatoryKey if not found:

# Key is present:
# => "info"

# Key is missing:
# => SecretConfig::MissingMandatoryKey (Missing configuration value for /development/logger/blah)

A default value can be supplied when the key is not found in the registry:

SecretConfig.fetch("logger/level", default: "info")
# => "info"

Since AWS SSM Parameter store and environment variables only support string values, it is neccessary to convert the string back to the type required by the program.

The following types are supported: :integer :float :string :boolean :symbol :json

# Without type conversion:
# => "0"

# With type conversion:
SecretConfig.fetch("symmetric_encryption/version", type: :integer)
# => 0

When storing binary data, it should be encoded with strict base64 encoding. To automatically convert it back to binary specify the encoding as :base64

# Return a value that was stored in Base64 encoding format:
# => "FW+/wLubAYM+ZU0bWQj59Q=="

# Base64 decode a value that was stored in Base64 encoding format:
SecretConfig.fetch("symmetric_encryption/iv", encoding: :base64)
# => "\x15o\xBF\xC0\xBB\x9B\x01\x83>eM\eY\b\xF9\xF5"

Key presence

Returns whether a key is present in the registry:

# => true

Write values

When Secret Config is configured to use the AWS SSM Parameter store, its values can be modified:

SecretConfig["logger/level"] = "debug"
SecretConfig.set("logger/level", "debug")


Returns a Hash copy of the configuration as a tree:


Refresh Configuration

Tell Secret Config to refresh its in-memory copy of the configuration settings.


Example, refresh the registry any time a SIGUSR2 is raised, add the following code on startup:

Signal.trap('USR2') do

Then to make the process refresh it registry:

kill -SIGUSR2 1234

Where 1234 above is the process PID.

Development and Test use

In the development environment create the file config/application.yml within which to store local development credentials. Depending on your team setup you may want to use the same file for all developers so can check it into you change control system.

For example: config/application.yml

    database:   secret_config_development
    username:   secret_config
    password:   secret_configrules

    database:   secret_config_development

    secret_key_base: somereallylongstring

    database:   secret_config_test
    username:   secret_config
    password:   secret_configrules

    database:   secret_config_test

    secret_key_base: somereallylongteststring

Note how the hierarchical nature of configuration values is maintained. Typical environment variable approaches have to flatten everything into a single level.

Note: Do not put any production credentials into this file.

Environment Variables

Any of the above values can be overridden with an environment variable.

To overwrite any of these settings with an environment variable:

  • Join the keys together with an '_'
  • Convert to uppercase

For example, mysql/host can be overridden with the env var:

export MYSQL_HOST=test.server

Applying to existing config files

Go through all the configuration files and look for sensitive data such as passwords:

Example, an unchanged common database.yml:

defaults: &defaults
  encoding: utf8
  adapter:  mysql2

  <<:       *defaults
  database: secure_config_development
  username: jack
  password: jackrules
  host:     localhost

  <<:       *defaults
  database: secure_config_test
  username: tester
  password: khjsdjhdsjhdsr32
  host:     test.server

  <<:       *defaults
  database: secure_config_production
  username: product
  password: donotexpose45
  host:     production.server

Replace the sensitive data with a SecureConfig.fetch:

Updated database.yml:

configuration: &configuration
  database: <%= SecretConfig.fetch("mysql/database") %>
  username: <%= SecretConfig.fetch("mysql/username") %>
  password: <%= SecretConfig.fetch("mysql/password") %>
  host:     <%= SecretConfig.fetch("mysql/host") %>
  encoding: utf8
  adapter:  mysql2

  <<:       *configuration

  <<:       *configuration

  <<:       *configuration

Since the secrets are externalized the configuration between environments is simpler.

Replacing custom config files

When writing new components or gems, instead of requiring a proprietary config file, refer to the settings programmatically:

For example, somewhere in your codebase you need a persistent http connection:

  def http_client
    @http_client ||=
        name:         'HTTPClient',
        url:          SecretConfig.fetch('http_client/url'),
        logger:       logger,
        pool_size:    SecretConfig.fetch('http_client/pool_size', type: :integer, default: 10),
        warn_timeout: SecretConfig.fetch('http_client/warn_timeout', type: :float, default: 0.25),
        open_timeout: SecretConfig.fetch('http_client/open_timeout', type: :float, default: 30),
        read_timeout: SecretConfig.fetch('http_client/read_timeout', type: :float, default: 30),
        force_retry:  true

Then the application that uses the above library / gem just needs to add the relevant entries to their application.yml file:

  pool_size:    20
  read_timeout: 300

This avoids a custom config file just for the above library.

Additionally the values can be overridden with environment variables at any time:



Add the following line to Gemfile

gem "secret_config"

Out of the box Secret Config will look in the local file system for the file config/application.yml as covered above. By default it will use env var RAILS_ENV to define the path to look under for settings.

The default settings are great for getting started in development and test, but should not be used in production.

To ensure Secret Config is configured and available for use within any of the config files, add the following lines to the very top of application.rb under the line class Application < Rails::Application:

module MyApp
  class Application < Rails::Application

    # Add the following lines to configure Secret Config:
    if Rails.env.development? || Rails.env.test?
      # Use 'config/application.yml'
      config.secret_config.use :file
      # Read configuration from AWS SSM Parameter Store
      config.secret_config.use :ssm, path: "/#{Rails.env}/my_app"

    # ....

path is the path from which the configuration data will be read. This path uniquely identifies the configuration for this instance of the application. In the example above it uses the rails env and application name by default. This can be overridden using the SECRET_CONFIG_PATH environment variable when needed.

By placing the secret config configuration as the very first configuration item, it allows any subsequent configuration item to access the centralized configuration in AWS System Manager Parameter Store.

The environment variable SECRET_CONFIG_PROVIDER can be used to override the provider when needed. For example: export SECRET_CONFIG_PROVIDER=ssm Or, export SECRET_CONFIG_PROVIDER=file

If we need 2 completely separate instances of the application running in a single AWS account then we could use multiple paths. For example:



The path is completely flexible, but must be unique for every AWS account under which the application will run. The same path can be used in different AWS accounts though. It is also not replicated across regions.

When writing settings to the parameter store, it is recommended to use a custom KMS key to encrypt the values. To supply the key to encrypt the values with, add the key_id parameter:

module MyApp
  class Application < Rails::Application

    # Add the following lines to configure Secret Config:
    if Rails.env.development? || Rails.env.test?
      # Use 'config/application.yml'
      config.secret_config.use :file
      # Read configuration from AWS SSM Parameter Store
      config.secret_config.use :ssm, 
        path: "/#{Rails.env}/my_app",
        key_id: 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'

    # ....

Note: The relevant KMS key must be created first prior to using it here.

The key_id is only used when writing settings to the AWS Parameter store and can be left off when that instance will only read from the parameter store.

Shared configuration for development and test

When running multiple engines or private "gems" inside the same code repository, the development and test configuration file application.yml can be shared. Update the lines above to:

module MyApp
  class Application < Rails::Application

    # Add the following lines:
    if Rails.env.development? || Rails.env.test?
      # Use 'config/application.yml'
      config.secret_config.use :file
      # Read configuration from AWS SSM Parameter Store
      config.secret_config.use :ssm, path: "/#{Rails.env}/my_app"

    # ....

Where file_name is the full path and filename for where application.yml is located.


The following policy needs to be added to the IAM Group under which the application will be running:

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Sid": "VisualEditor0",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "*"

The above policy restricts read and write access to just the Parameter Store capabilities of AWS System Manager.

These additional Actions are not used by Secret Config, but may be useful for anyone using the AWS Console directly to view and modify parameters:

  • ssm:DescribeParameters
  • ssm:GetParameterHistory
  • ssm:GetParameters
  • ssm:GetParameter

Command Line Interface

Secret Config has a command line interface for exporting, importing and copying between paths in the registry.

secret_config [options]
    -e, --export [FILE_NAME]         Export configuration to a file or stdout if no file_name supplied.
    -i, --import [FILE_NAME]         Import configuration from a file or stdin if no file_name supplied.
    -C, --copy SOURCE_PATH           Import configuration from a file or stdin if no file_name supplied.
    -D, --diff [FILE_NAME]           Compare configuration from a file or stdin if no file_name supplied.
    -c, --console                    Start interactive console.
    -p, --path PATH                  Path to import from / export to.
    -P, --provider PROVIDER          Provider to use. [ssm | file]. Default: ssm
    -U, --no-filter                  Do not filter passwords and keys.
    -d, --prune                      During import delete all existing keys for which there is no key in the import file.
    -k, --key_id KEY_ID              AWS KMS Key id or Key Alias to use when importing configuration values. Default: AWS Default key.
    -r, --region REGION              AWS Region to use. Default: AWS_REGION env var.
    -R, --random_size INTEGER        Size to use when generating random values. Whenever $random is encountered during an import. Default: 32
    -v, --version                    Display Symmetric Encryption version.
    -h, --help                       Prints this help.

CLI Examples

Import from a file into SSM parameters

To get started it is useful to create a YAML file with all the relevant settings and then import it into AWS SSM Parameter store. This file is the same as applcation.yml except that each file is just for one environment. I.e. It does not contain the test or development root level entries.

For example: production.yml

  database:   secret_config_production
  username:   secret_config
  password:   secret_configrules

  database:   secret_config_production

  secret_key_base: somereallylongproductionstring

Import a yaml file, into a path in AWS SSM Parameter Store:

secret_config --import production.yml --path /production/my_application

Import a yaml file, into a path in AWS SSM Parameter Store, using a custom KMS key to encrypt the values:

secret_config --import production.yml --path /production/my_application --key_id "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"


Before importing a new config file into the AWS SSM Parameter store, a diff can be performed to determine what the differences are that will be applied when the import is run with the --prune option.

secret_config --diff production.yml --path /production/my_application


+ Adding a new key to the registry.
- The key will be removed from the registry during the import if --prune is specified.
* The value for that key will change during an import.

Export SSM parameters

In AWS SSM Parameter store it can be difficult to Export the values from a specific path into a yaml or json file so that they are easier to read.

Export from a path in AWS SSM Parameter Store to a yaml file, where passwords are filtered:

secret_config --export production.yml --path /production/my_application

Export from a path in AWS SSM Parameter Store to a yaml file, without filtering out passwords:

secret_config --export production.yml --path /production/my_application --no-filter

Export from a path in AWS SSM Parameter Store to a json file, where passwords are filtered:

secret_config --export production.json --path /production/my_application

Copy values between paths in AWS SSM parameter store

It can be useful to keep a "master" copy of the values for an environment or stack in a custom path in AWS Parameter Store. Then for each stack or environment that is spun up, copy the "master" / "common" values into the new path. Once copied the values specific to that path can be updated accordingly.

Copy configuration from one path in AWS SSM Parameter Store to another path in AWS SSM Parameter Store:

secret_config --copy /production/my_application --path /tenant73/my_application

Generating random passwords

In the multi-tenant example above, we may want to generate a secure random password for each tenant. In the source file or registry, set the value to $random, this will ensure that during the import or copy that the destination will receive a secure random value.

By default the length of the randomized value is 32 bytes, use --random_size to adjust the length of the randomized string.


Secret Config is at its best when the application is containerized. By externalizing the configuration the same docker container can be tested in one or more environments and then deployed directly to production without any changes. The only difference being the path that container uses to read its configuration from.

Another important benefit is that the docker image does not contain any production or test credentials since these are all stored in AWS SSM Parameter Store.

When a Ruby / Rails application is using Secret Config for its configuration settings, it only requires the following environment variables when starting up the container in for example AWS ECS or AWS Fargate:

export SECRET_CONFIG_PATH=/production/my_application

For rails applications, typically the RAILS_ENV is also needed, but not required for Secret Config.

export RAILS_ENV=production


When using Semantic Logger, the following code could be added to application.rb to facilitate configuration of the logging output via Secret Config:

# Logging
config.log_level                       = config.secret_config.fetch("logger/level", default: :info, type: :symbol)
config.semantic_logger.backtrace_level = config.secret_config.fetch("logger/backtrace_level", default: :error, type: :symbol)
config.semantic_logger.application     = config.secret_config.fetch("logger/application", default: "my_app")
config.semantic_logger.environment     = config.secret_config.fetch("logger/environment", default: Rails.env)

In any environment the log level can be changed, for example set logger/level to debug. And it can be changed in the AWS SSM Parameter Store, or directly with the environment variable export LOGGER_LEVEL=debug

logger/environment can be used to identify which tenant the log messages are emanating from. By default it is just the rails environment. For example set logger/environment to tenant73.

Additionally the following code can be used with containers to send log output to standard out:

destination = config.secret_config.fetch("logger/destination", default: :file, type: :symbol)
if destination == :stdout
  STDOUT.sync                                    = true
  config.rails_semantic_logger.add_file_appender = false
    io:        STDOUT,
    level:     config.log_level,
    formatter: config.secret_config.fetch("logger/formatter", default: :default, type: :symbol)

Specifically for docker containers it is necessary to turn off file logging and turn on logging to standard out so that AWS Cloud Watch can pick up the log data.

To start with logger/destination of stdout will work with regular non-colorized output. When feeding the log output into something that can process JSON, set logger/formatter to json.

The benefit with the above approach is that a developer can pull the exact same container image that is running in production and configure it to run locally on their laptop. For example, set logger/destination to file.

The above code can be modified as necessary to add any Semantic Logger appender to write directly to external centralized logging systems, instead of writing to standard out or local files.

Email Server and Assets

An example of how to setup the email server and the assets for html emails. Add to application.rb:

# Emails
application_url = config.secret_config.fetch("emails/asset_host")
uri             = URI.parse(application_url)

config.action_mailer.default_url_options   = {host:, protocol: uri.scheme}
config.action_mailer.asset_host            = application_url
config.action_mailer.smtp_settings         = {address: config.secret_config.fetch("emails/smtp/address", default: "localhost")}
config.action_mailer.raise_delivery_errors = config.secret_config.fetch("emails/raise_delivery_errors", default: true, type: :boolean)

Symmetric Encryption

An example of how to setup Symmetric Encryption. Add to application.rb:

# Encryption
config.symmetric_encryption.cipher =
    key:     config.secret_config.fetch('symmetric_encryption/key', encoding: :base64),
    iv:      config.secret_config.fetch('symmetric_encryption/iv', encoding: :base64),
    version: config.secret_config.fetch('symmetric_encryption/version', type: :integer),

# Also support one prior encryption key version during key rotation
if config.secret_config.key?('symmetric_encryption/old/key')
  SymmetricEncryption.secondary_ciphers = [
      key:     config.secret_config.fetch('symmetric_encryption/old/key', encoding: :base64),
      iv:      config.secret_config.fetch('symmetric_encryption/old/iv', encoding: :base64),
      version: config.secret_config.fetch('symmetric_encryption/old/version', type: :integer),

Using this approach the file config/symmetric-encryption.yml can be removed once the keys have been moved to the registry.

To extract existing keys from the config file so that they can be imported into the registry, run the code below inside a console in each of the respective environments.

require "yaml"
require "base64"

def se_config(cipher)
    "key"     => Base64.strict_encode64(cipher.send(:key)),
    "iv"      => Base64.strict_encode64(cipher.iv),
    "version" => cipher.version

config = { "symmetric_encryption" => se_config(SymmetricEncryption.cipher) }
if cipher = SymmetricEncryption.secondary_ciphers.first
  config["symmetric_encryption"]["old"] = se_config(cipher)
puts config.to_yaml


This project adheres to Semantic Versioning.


Reid Morrison


Copyright 2019 Reid Morrison

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.