
it's a tool which should help you to maintain various key-value based data for your rails project:

  • often we use some kind of external APIs which require keys or tokens
  • we don't want to save such data directly in the repo, however we would like to use it
  • we would like to have different key values for different environments

this flow is used in netguru and we're happy to recommend it to everybody!


add this line to your application's gemfile:

gem 'sec_config'

and then execute:

$ bundle

or install it yourself as:

$ gem install sec_config


generate the structure and you're ready to go.

sc install

ok, what now? you have your config.yml file which is stored in repo.

# config/config.yml

defaults: &defaults
  not_important_key: "abcdef"
  important_key: "123456"

  <<: *defaults
  not_important_key: "fedcba"

  <<: *defaults

you have also a sec_config.yml.sample file which you should rename on the target environment to sec_config.yml and put the data you want overvrite the defaults with.

# config/sec_config.yml

  important_key: "abc123"

usage within your app

# on development
# => fedcba
# => 123456

# on production
# => abcdef
# => abc123


  • don't forget that sec_config.yml has to be edited directly on the environment which you want to be overwriting the data (staging, production, etc.)
  • *_secret, *_token, *_password variables seem to be a good example of keys which should not be stored in the repo


  1. fork it
  2. create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. commit your changes (git commit -am 'add some feature')
  4. push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. create new pull request