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Lightweight Ruby wrapper for communicating with i-bank payment API.
Solves the cryptographic requirements for you.


Bundle or manually install the latest version of the gem:

gem 'seb_elink'


Please note that for consistency in this gem all hash keys are constant-case symbols like :IB_VERSION.

The gem has three elements represented as Ruby classes:

Think of this as the communication adapter. Initialize it with a base64-encoded private key string (the human-readable .pem format). You can store the instance in a constant to reduce processing overhead.

You can pass an optional options hash as the second argument that will specify default values for communications processed by that gateway instance. Useful for setting company-related data just once.
  <privkey string>,
    IB_NAME: "Test Inc."

Additionally, you can rewrite values used by the gem pertaining to i-bank, such as their public key, API uri etc. Here's a complete list:

  IB_VERSION: "001", # which API version to use
  IBANK_CERT: "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----..." # public key/cer of, changes rarely
  IBANK_API_URI: "" # where to POST users

Instances of SebElink::Gateway have one method for public use:

gateway.ibank_api_uri #=> uri for POSTing intial message to.

Instances represent requests to i-bank, generally for payment.

Initialize these with, message_code, data_hash)

SEB_LV_GATEWAY =<privkey string>)
message_instance =, "0002", {IB_SND_ID: ...})

Please consult message_specs.rb for the full list of data_hash keys.

Instances of SebElink::Message have two methods:

#=> hash of all fields you need to POST to i-bank API uri.

#=> outputs the value of :IB_CRC key, the base64-encoded digital signature of the message

Instances represent responses from i-bank server.
Well-formedness is not validated since if digital signature is OK, one would think that the bank adheres to it's own spec.

Initialize these with, response_body)

Please note that the method name #response is reserved in Rails, use something else for response variable names!

SEB_LV_GATEWAY =<privkey string>)

# in a Rails controller context you can obtain the response_body with:
response_body =
  if request.get?
  end #=> "IB_SND_ID=TEST..."

response_instance =, response_body)

# Please note that the :IB_CRC signature values will often end with "==\n" which, when uri-escaped will be "%3D%3D%0A", pass the response just like that into the initializer 

Instances of SebElink::Response have two methods:

#=> true, if the digital signature is OK.
# DO NOT process responses that are invalid, someone has tampered with the values!

#=> {IB_SND_ID: "TEST", ...}
# Will raise if called on an invalid response_instance
# to override this default safety setting, call with to_h(:insecure)

Tests have been written in a documenting manner, so, please, have a look at the contents of spec/ directory to get a feel of what the gem can do.

Version 001 (current) uses the deprecated SHA-1 hashing algorithm. Let know that v2 that uses SHA-256 is needed.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.

The project uses TDD approach to software development, follow these steps to set up:

  1. fork and clone the repo on github
  2. Install appropriate Ruby and Bundler
  3. bundle
  4. See if all specs are green with rspec
  5. TDD new features
  6. Make a Pull Request in github

Releasing a new version

gem push # to set credentials
rake release


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the BSD-3-Clause License.

Code of Conduct

Everyone interacting in the SebElink project’s codebases and issue trackers is expected to follow the code of conduct.