
Command line tool to get documentation for ruby, rails, gems, plugins and other ruby code in one place

Getting Started

sudo gem install voloko-sdoc sdoc_all
sdoc-all <place for your documentation>; cd <place for your documentation>
<your favorite editor> config.yml
rake run



min_update_interval: 1 hour
- ruby: 1.8.7
- rails
- gems:
    - mysql
    - rails
    - actionmailer
    - actionpack
    - activerecord
    - activeresource
    - activesupport
- plugins: ~/.plugins
- path: ~/some/path


time to skip updates (for now ruby and plugins are updated) days, hours, minutes, seconds accepted

min_update_interval: 1 hour

list of things you want to document carefully watch indent - 4 spaces for options



ruby 1.8.6 source will be downloaded for you from and placed in folder sources

- ruby: 1.8.6

if you don’t want updates use this

- ruby:
    version: 1.8.6
    update: false


choose rails version

- rails: 2.3.2

latest installed version will be used

- rails


document all gems

- gems

document nokogiri and hpricot gems

- gems: [nokogiri, hpricot]

document nokogiri gem (gem is just an alias to gems)

- gem: nokogiri

document all installed versions of nokogiri and hpricot gems (not latest)

- gems:
    only: [nokogiri, hpricot]
    versions: all

document all gems except mysql and gems related to rails

- gems:
    - mysql
    - rails
    - actionmailer
    - actionpack
    - activerecord
    - activeresource
    - activesupport


document plugins in folder ~/.plugins (they will also be updated if they are under git)

- plugins: ~/.plugins

document plugins in folder sources/plugins

- plugins

document only dump plugin

- plugin:
    path: ~/.plugins
    only: dump

document dump, access and data_columns plugins

- plugins:
    path: ~/.plugins
    only: [dump, access, data_columns]

don’t update plugins under git

- plugins:
    path: ~/.plugins
    update: false

document all plugins except acts_as_fu and acts_as_bar

- plugins:
    path: ~/.plugins
    exclude: [acts_as_fu, acts_as_bar]


document file or directory (you can create .document file in directory to tell rdoc what to document)

- path: ~/lib/bin

it can be a glob (each entry will be documented separately)

- paths: ~/lib/*

or array (note that name of documentation for each will be relative path from common ancestor)

- paths: [~/lib/*, ~/scripts/**, /test.rb, /rm-rf.rb]

if you want to specify more options (roots are not globed in this form)

- paths:
    root: ~/lib/app
    main: README
    paths: [+*, +lib/*.rb, +tasks/*.rake, -*.sw*, -OLD_README]

or array form (mixed type)

- paths:
  - root: ~/lib/app
    main: SUPAREADME
    paths: [+*, +lib/*.rb, +tasks/*.rake, -*.sw*, -OLD_README]
  - ~/lib/app2
  - root: ~/lib/app3
    main: SUPAREADME
  - root: ~/lib/app3
    paths: *.rb
  - ~/lib/old/app*