

sdbcli is an interactive command-line client of Amazon SimpleDB.

Source Code


shell> gem install sdbcli
shell> sdbcli -h
Usage: sdbcli [options]
    -k, --access-key=ACCESS_KEY
    -s, --secret-key=SECRET_KEY
    -r, --region=REGION
    -e, --eval=COMMAND
    -f, --format=YAML_OR_JSON
    -c, --consistent
    -t, --timeout=SECOND
shell> export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID='...'
shell> export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY='...'
shell> export SDB_ENDPOINT='' # or SDB_REGION=ap-northeast-1
shell> sdbcli -e 'show domains'
- test
- test-2
shell> sdbcli -f json -e 'show domains'
shell> sdbcli # show prompt


ap-northeast-1> .help
# Explanatory notes of a query

  displays a domain list

  displays a region list

CREATE domain domain_name
  creates a domain

DROP DOMAIN domain_name
  deletes a domain

GET [attr_list] FROM domain_name WHERE itemName = '...'
  gets the attribute of an item

INSERT INTO domain_name (itemName, attr1, ...) VALUES ('name1', 'val1', ...), ('name2', 'val2', ...), ...
  creates an item

UPDATE domain_name {SET|ADD} attr1 = 'val1', ... WHERE itemName = '...'
UPDATE domain_name {SET|ADD} attr1 = 'val1', ... [WHERE expression] [sort_instructions] [LIMIT limit]
  updates an item

DELETE [attr1, ...] FROM domain_name WHERE itemName = '...'
DELETE [attr1, ...] FROM domain_name WHERE [WHERE expression] [sort_instructions] [LIMIT limit]
  deletes the attribute of an item or an item

SELECT output_list FROM domain_name [WHERE expression] [sort_instructions] [LIMIT limit] [ | ruby script ]
  queries using the SELECT statement

  displays a continuation of a result
  (NEXT statement is published after SELECT statement)

  displays a present result
  (CURRENT statement is published after SELECT statement)

  displays a previous result
  (PREV statement is published after SELECT statement)

PAGE [number]
  displays a present page number or displays a result of the specified page
  (PAGE statement is published after SELECT statement)

DESC[RIBE] domain_name
  displays information about the domain

USE region_or_endpoint
  changes an endpoint

# List of commands

.help                      displays this message
.quit | .exit              exits sdbcli
.format     (yaml|json)?   displays a format or changes it
.consistent (true|false)?  displays ConsistentRead parameter or changes it
.iteratable (true|false)?  displays iteratable option or changes it
                           all results are displayed if true
.timeout    SECOND         displays a timeout second or changes it
.version                   displays a version

ap-northeast-1> select * from test;
- [itemname1, {attr1: val1, attr2: val2}]
- [itemname2, {attr1: val1, attr2: val2}]
# 2 rows in set

ap-northeast-1> select count(*) from `test-2`;
- [Domain, {Count: "100"}]
# 1 row in set

Attribute and domain names may appear without quotes if they contain only letters, numbers, underscores (_), or dollar symbols ($) and do not start with a number. You must quote all other attribute and domain names with the backtick (‘). see

ap-northeast-1> select * from test \G
- - itemname1
  - attr1: val1
    attr2: val2
  - itemname2
  - attr1: val1
    attr2: val2
# 2 rows in set

shell> echo 'select * from test' | sdbcli
- [itemname1, {attr1: val1, attr2: val2}]
- [itemname2, {attr1: val1, attr2: val2}]


shell> sdbcli -f json  --export=employees,employees.json
// 2500 rows was outputted...
// 5000 rows was outputted...
// 7500 rows was outputted...
shell> sdbcli -f json --import=employees,employees.json
// 2500 rows was inputted...
// 5000 rows was inputted...
// 7500 rows was inputted...

If ‘-’ is specified as a file name, the input/output of data will become a standard input/output.

Pipe to ruby

ap-northeast-1> select * from employees limit 3;
- ["100000", {first_name: Hiroyasu, hire_date: "1991-07-02", birth_date: "1956-01-11", last_name: Emden}]
- ["100001", {first_name: Jasminko, hire_date: "1994-12-25", birth_date: "1953-02-07", last_name: Antonakopoulos}]
- ["100002", {first_name: Claudi, hire_date: "1988-02-20", birth_date: "1957-03-04", last_name: Kolinko}]
# 3 rows in set

ap-northeast-1> select * from employees limit 3 | hire_date.max;
--- "1994-12-25"

ap-northeast-1> select * from employees limit 3 | hire_date.to_i;
- 1991
- 1994
- 1988
# 3 rows in set

ap-northeast-1> select * from employees limit 3 | hire_date.to_f.avg;
--- 1991.0

ap-northeast-1> select * from employees | select {|i| i.first_name =~ /^C/ }.map {|i| Time.parse(i.birth_date).mon }.inject({}) {|r, i| r[i] ||= 0 \; r[i] += 1\; r }.sort_by {|k,v| k };
- [1, 1]
- [3, 1]
- [5, 1]
- [8, 2]
- [10, 1]
- [12, 3]
# 6 rows in set

‘sum’ method and ‘avg’ method are added to Array class.

Group By (Aggregate)

ap-northeast-1> select * from access_logs limit 30;
- [20130205/host1, {host: host1, response_time: "298.37"}]
- [20130205/host2, {host: host2, response_time: "294.65"}]
- [20130205/host3, {host: host3, response_time: "293.42"}]
- [20130205/host4, {host: host4, response_time: "294.08"}]
- [20130205/host5, {host: host5, response_time: "294.3"}]
# 30 rows in set

ap-northeast-1> select * from access_logs limit 30 | group_by(:host) {|i| i.response_time.to_f.avg };
host1: 303.6425
host2: 301.8875
host3: 300.9525
host4: 302.1675
host5: 301.62

Exec ruby or shell command

ap-northeast-1> | (1 + 1).to_f;
--- 2.0

ap-northeast-1> ! ls;
--- |