Scribelite - Inscription / Inscribe (Ethscription Calldata) SQL Database

scribelite - inscription / inscribe (ethscription calldata) database for ethereum & co; let's you query via sql and more

What's Ethscription Calldata - Ethereum Inscription / Inscribe?!

See Introducing Ethscriptions - A new way of creating and sharing digital artifacts on the Ethereum blockchain using transaction calldata ยป


The work-in-progess database schema looks like:

ActiveRecord::Schema.define do

create_table :scribes, :id => :string do |t|    
    t.integer  :num, null: false, index: { unique: true, name: 'scribe_nums' }
    t.integer  :bytes
    t.string   :content_type
    ## add allow duplicate opt-in protocol flag e.g. esip6
    t.boolean    :duplicate      ## allows duplicates flag 
    t.boolean    :flagged,  null: false,  default: false  ## censored flag / removed on request
    ## move sha to tx - why? why not?
    t.string     :sha,    null: false    ## sha hash as hexstring (but no leading 0)

create_table :txs, :id => :string do |t|
    t.binary     :data     # ,  null: false
    t.datetime   :date, null: false
    t.integer    :block, null: false
    t.integer    :idx,   null: false  ## transaction index (number)

    t.string     :from, null: false
    t.string     :to,   null: false   

    t.integer    :fee
    t.integer    :value

and to setup use it like:

require 'scribelite'

ScribeDb.connect( adapter:  'sqlite3',
                  database: './scribe.db' )

ScribeDb.create_all   ## build schema

and to query use it like:

require 'scribelite' './scribe.db' )

puts "  #{Scribe.count} scribe(s)"
puts "  #{Tx.count} tx(s)"

## how many flagged in top 100?
limit = 100

flagged_count =  Scribe.order( :num ).limit(limit).where( flagged: true ).count
pp flagged_count    #=> 75 !!!!!!!!!
unflagged_count =  Scribe.order( :num).limit(limit).where( flagged: false ).count
pp unflagged_count  #=> 25

Scribe.order( :num ).limit(limit).each do |scribe|
    if scribe.flagged?
      print " xx "
      print "==> "
    print "#{scribe.num} / #{scribe.content_type}   -   #{} @ #{scribe.tx.block}"
    print "\n"

To be continued...

Bonus - More Blockchain (Crypto) Tools, Libraries & Scripts In Ruby

See /blockchain at the ruby code commons (rubycocos) org.

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