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Scrapula is a library for scraping web pages that simplifies some of the common actions that are involved.

It has a very simple API that can be used in several ways and contexts, and another, shorter, that facilitates processing pages when characters are scarce, like irb / pry, or quick and dirty scripts.


It uses Mechanize and Nokogiri to obtain and extract the information and RSpec for testing.


If you want to show the output of some steps:

Scrapula.verbose = true


Perform requests:

page = Scrapula.get 'example.net' #=> Scrapula::Page object

page = Scrapula.post 'example.net', { q: 'a query' }   #=> Scrapula::Page object

Extract information from the page:

# Using a CSS selector (all elements)
page.search! 'a'

# Using a CSS selector (fist element)
page.at! 'h1'

# Using XPath (fist element)
page.at! '//'

Perform a GET request:

Scrapula.get 'example.net

S interface

This API is not required by default, so it is up to you to use it:

require 'scrapula/s'

It provides the method and its shortcut For all HTTP verbs:

S.get 'example.net'
S.g 'example.net'

S.post 'example.net'
S.p 'example.net'

S.put 'example.net'
S.u 'example.net'

S.patch 'example.net'
S.a 'example.net'

S.delete 'example.net'
S.d 'example.net'

S.head 'example.net'
S.h 'example.net'

Additionally, GET requests, can be performed with through the shortest invocation:

S 'example.net'


There are more examples in the examples folder.


You can read previous changes in CHANGELOG.md



Juan A. Martín Lucas (https://github.com/j-a-m-l)


This project is licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.