
Write declarative scrapers in Ruby


Add this line to your application’s Gemfile:

ruby gem 'scraped'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install scraped


To write a standard HTML scraper, start by creating a subclass of Scraped::HTML for each type of page you wish to scrape.

For example if you were scraping a list of people you might have a PeopleListPage class for the list page and a PersonPage class for an individual person’s page.

```ruby require ‘scraped’

class ExamplePage < Scraped::HTML field :title do noko.at_css(‘h1’).text end

field :more_information do noko.at_css(‘a’)[:href] end end ```

Then you can create a new instance and pass in a Scraped::Response instance.

```ruby page = ‘’).response)

page.title # => “Example Domain”

page.more_information # => “”

page.to_h # => { :title => “Example Domain”, :more_information => “” } ```

Dealing with sections of a page

When writing an HTML scraper you’ll often need to deal with just a part of the page. For example you might want to scrape a table containing a list of people and some associated data.

To do this you can use the fragment method, passing it a hash with one entry where the key is the noko fragment you want to use and the value is the class that should handle that fragment.

```ruby class MemberRow < Scraped::HTML field :name do noko.css(‘td’)[2].text end

field :party do noko.css(‘td’)[3].text end end

class AllMembersPage < Scraped::HTML field :members do noko.css(‘table.members-list tr’).map do |row| fragment row => MemberRow end end end ```

Passing request headers

To set request headers you can pass a headers: argument to

ruby response = '', headers: { 'Cookie' => 'user_id' => '42' }).response page = response)


There are two main ways to extend scraped with your own custom logic - custom requests and decorated responses. Custom requests allow you to change where the scraper is getting its responses from, e.g. you might want to make requests to if the site you’re scraping has disappeared. Decorated responses allow you to manipulate the response before it’s passed to the scraper. Scraped comes with some built in decorators for common tasks such as making all the link urls on the page absolute rather than relative.

Custom request strategies

To make a custom request you’ll need to create a class that subclasses Scraped::Request::Strategy and defines a response method.

```ruby class FileOnDiskRequest < Scraped::Request::Strategy def response { body: open(filename).read } end


def filename @filename ||= File.join(URI.parse(url).host, Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(url)) end end ```

The response method should return a Hash which has at least a body key. You can also include status and headers parameters in the hash to fill out those fields in the response. If not given, status will default to 200 (OK) and headers will default to {}.

To use a custom request strategy pass it to Scraped::Request:

ruby request = '', strategies: [FileOnDiskRequest, Scraped::Request::Strategy::LiveRequest]) page = request.response)

Decorated responses

To manipulate the response before it is processed by the scraper create a class that subclasses Scraped::Response::Decorator and defines any of the following methods: body, url, status, headers.

ruby class AbsoluteLinks < Scraped::Response::Decorator def body doc = Nokogiri::HTML(super) doc.css('a').each do |link| link[:href] = URI.join(url, link[:href]).to_s end doc.to_s end end

As well as the body method you can also supply your own url, status and headers methods. You can access the current request body by calling super from your method. You can also call url, headers or status to access those properties of the current response.

To use a response decorator you need to use the decorator class method in a Scraped::HTML subclass:

```ruby class PageWithRelativeLinks < Scraped::HTML decorator AbsoluteLinks

# Other fields… end ```

Configuring requests and responses

When passing an array of request strategies or response decorators you should always pass the class, rather than the instance. If you want to configure an instance you can pass in a two element array where the first element is the class and the second element is the config:

```ruby class CustomHeader < Scraped::Response::Decorator def headers response.headers.merge(‘X-Greeting’ => config[:greeting]) end end

class ExamplePage < Scraped::HTML decorator CustomHeader, greeting: ‘Hello, world’ end ```

With the above code a custom header would be added to the response: X-Greeting: Hello, world.

Inheritance with decorators

When you inherit from a class that already has decorators the child class will also inherit the parent’s decorators. There’s currently no way to re-order or remove decorators in child classes, though that may be added in the future.

Built in decorators

You will likely want to normalize link and image urls on the page you are scraping. Scraped::Response::Decorator::CleanUrls ensures that each link is absolute and does not contain any encoded characters.

```ruby require ‘scraped’

class MemberPage < Scraped::HTML decorator Scraped::Response::Decorator::AbsoluteUrls

field :image do # Image url will be absolute and encoded correctly thanks to the decorator. noko.at_css(‘.profile-picture/@src’).text end end ```


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake test to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.