
The ScoutUI gem provides a simple, yet powerful visual test framework to help you and your team with an automated visual test strategy.

This project is still in beta, but working - the version '1.0.0' will be the first "stable" release.

What does ScoutUI provide?

1. Command driven test strategy using YAML and/or JSON format
2. Integration with Applitools Eyes (this is optional - only if you have an Eyes account)
3. Leverage Selenium/WebDriver without having to hassle with it (e.g. APIs) to conduct browser testing
   a. UI Regression with Eyes
   b. Functional Testing

Development Notes

1. Adding a new command
   a. commands/utils.rb
      - add in '''initialize()'''
      - create new functon '''is<CMD>'''
   b. commands/commands.rb
      - add '''if stmt''' checking for the command
      - create then call the new command objects' fcn



1. Ruby 1.9.3 or higher
2. Following Gems
   a. selenium-webdriver
   b. eyes_selenium
   c. yaml
   d. json
   e. testmgr

Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'scoutui'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install scoutui

To run unit tests:

$ bundle exec rake spec

To run a specific unit test:

$ rspec spec/json_spec.rb

Running the examples

Following these steps to get started.

  1. Goto the ./examples/ex1 folder
  2. Set the environment variable APPLITOOLS_API_KEY with your key


  3. Set the environment variable SCOUTUI_BIN to the ScoutUi driver

    export SCOUTUI_BIN=[ScoutUI Path]\bin\scoutui_driver.rb

  4. Run the script ''

  5. Goto your Applitools account and look for the test named "Graceland"


Creating Tests

Command files

Command files are currently supported only in YAML format, however JSON will be supported very shortly (by 10/28/2015).

Each stanza of a Command YAML file starts with the key page


and can have the following properties

name: <String>

used to name the snapshot stored in Applitools.
The string, representing the logical name of this window/validation point will appear in the test result report.

url: <Full URL>

specifies the URL to load right before the snapshot

url: <Partial URL>

specifies the partial URL that should be concatenated to the provided host, before the snapshot

skip: <true | false>

specifies whether or not to skip this stanza (if skip is omitted, it's default value is true)

Example 1. Navigate to a URL then take snapshots after user actions (e.g. mouse events).

  name: Home
  name: Mouseover Music
  action: mouseover(//ul[@class="nav-primary"]//a[text()="Music"])
  snapit: true
  name: Studio Albums
  action: click(//*[@id='music']//a[text()="Studio Albums"])
  snapit: true
    wait: //footer[@id="footer"]//a[@class="credits"]

A word about using Applitools Eyes

  1. CSS Transitions

    This method is to make the floating bar not captured when scrolling the screen in force-to-fullscreen mode. use_css_transition

  2. Viewport

    You can obtain the viewport by resizing the browser, to a desired width/height, then obtain the following values using Javascript console.


To run from the command line

ruby test_script.rb --config --eyes

After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.

To do

Advanced Test Reporting