Module: RGeo::Feature::Line


SFS 1.1 Description

A Line is a LineString with exactly 2 Points.


Line is defined as a module and is provided primarily for the sake of documentation. Implementations need not necessarily include this module itself. Therefore, you should not depend on the kind_of? method to check type. Instead, use the provided check_type class method (or === operator) defined in the Type module.

Constant Summary

Constants included from Type


Method Summary

Methods included from Type

check_type, subtype_of?, type_name

Methods included from LineString

#num_points, #point_n, #points

Methods included from Curve

#end_point, #is_closed?, #is_ring?, #length, #start_point

Methods included from Geometry

#*, #+, #-, #==, #as_binary, #as_text, #boundary, #buffer, #contains?, #convex_hull, #crosses?, #difference, #dimension, #disjoint?, #distance, #envelope, #eql?, #equals?, #factory, #geometry_type, #intersection, #intersects?, #is_empty?, #is_simple?, #overlaps?, #relate, #srid, #sym_difference, #touches?, #union, #within?