Schema to Scaffold

Code Climate

Generate rails scaffold pages based on a rails database schema you already have.

Use your schema.rb file from <rails_app>/db or generated with rake db:schema:dump

SchemaToScaffold will generate rails scaffolding scripts by table like this:

rails g scaffold users fname:string lname:string bdate:date email:string encrypted_password:string


Assuming that you have rubygems-bundler installed, just type:

gem install schema_to_scaffold


Just type:

scaffold [options]

-h              Displays help.
-p <path>       It specifies a search path or a path to a file 
                ex: -p /user/path  or  /path/to/your/schema.rb
-c              Works only on linux. Will copy the script copied to your clipboard.
                You will need to have xclip installed(see below).

To install xclip

sudo apt-get install xclip


Want to contribute? Great!
  1. Fork it.
  2. Create a branch (git checkout -b my_schema_to_scaffold)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am "Added great stuff")
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my_schema_to_scaffold)
  5. Open a Pull Request
  6. That's all!!


If you want to collaborate send me an email please.