
A collection of little helpers for Rails scaffolding


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'scaffold_plus'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install scaffold_plus


Add migrations to change tables and columns

rails generate scaffold_plus:migration table --remove column [...]
rails generate scaffold_plus:migration table --rename old:new [...]
rails generate scaffold_plus:migration table --change column:type [...]
rails generate scaffold_plus:migration table --not_null column [...]
rails generate scaffold_plus:migration table --set_default column:value [...]

This helper creates migrations for some 'ALTER TABLE' statements.

Add support for an enum field (requires Rails 4.1 and the enum_help Gem)

rails generate scaffold_plus:enum

This helper adds parent#has_many and child#belongs_to to the models and updates the mass assignment whitelist in the controller. It can also add a migration for the parent_id and a counter.

Add regular one-to-many association (has_many / belongs_to)

rails generate scaffold_plus:has_many

This helper adds parent#has_many and child#belongs_to to the models and updates the mass assignment whitelist in the controller. It can also add a migration for the parent_id and a counter.

Add regular one-to-one association (has_one / belongs_to)

rails generate scaffold_plus:has_one

This helper adds parent#has_one and child#belongs_to to the models and updates the mass assignment whitelist in the controller. It can also add a migration for the parent_id.

Add a collection to a resource route

rails generate scaffold_plus:collection

This helper works on config/routes.rb and adds code for a collection to a newly created resource route.

Add ancestry to create a tree structure (or hierarchy)

rails generate scaffold_plus:ancestry

This helper adds has_ancestry to the model and updates the mass assignment whitelist in the controller. It can also add a migration.

Add many-to-many association with intermediate join table

rails generate scaffold_plus:many_to_many

This helper creates a join table and updates the two parent resources. It can handle additional attributes in the join table incl. whitelisting and accepts_nested_attributes_for in one of the parents.

Add many-to-many association with has_and_belongs_to_many

rails generate scaffold_plus:habtm

This helper scaffolds a has_and_belongs_to_many relationship with migration and updates to the models.

Set the autofocus flag on a column

rails generate scaffold_plus:autofocus

This helper adds "autofocus: true" to an input field in the form view.

Add friendly_id to resource

rails generate friendly_id
rails generate scaffold_plus:friendly_id [attribute]

This helper depends on the friendly_id gem. It adds "extend FriendlyId" to the model and marks the attribute which is to be slugged (default: 'name'). Currently it is hardcoded to add a 'slug' attribute.

Add geo location to resource

rails generate scaffold_plus:geocoder_init
rails generate scaffold_plus:geocoder

These helpers need the geocoder gem.

The first helper creates an initializer for geocoder. It supports the language (default 'de'), timeout (default 5) and units (default km) options.

The second one adds geolocating to a resource. It uses Google geocoding and requires 'lat', 'lng' and 'address' attributes (the names can be changed via options). If a '--country' flag is added, the helper tries to isolate the country from the address and stores the country code (e.g. DE or NL) in a given 'country' attribute. This is currently only implemented for Germany (DE).

Add geodesic to resource

rails generate scaffold_plus:geodesic

This helper requires the geodesic_wgs84 gem. The purpose of this helper is to add a "to_ary" method to the model, which makes it easy to use the resource in calulations like average distance and the like.


Since I have no experience with test driven development (yet), this is still an empty spot. Any help is highly appreciated.


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  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request