
scad_bundler is a package manager for OpenSCAD. It's based on RubyGems and uses Bundler under the hood.

scad_bundler is a fully-featured package manager that:

  • downloads and installs OpenSCAD libraries needed by your project
  • resolves compatible versions of dependencies of your libraries
  • modifies environment variables to tell OpenSCAD where to find your libraries
  • is capable of downloading libraries directly GitHub, off, from a private repository, or local files on your computer


You will need to have Ruby and RubyGems installed to use scad_bundler.

Once RubyGems is installed, install scad_bundler:

$ gem install scad_bundler


Similar to how bundler works, scad_bundler dependencies are defined in a Scadfile and resolved versions are locked in a Scadfile.lock. To initialize your project and create and empty Scadfile

$ scad_bundle init

Dependencies can be declared inside your scadfile using bundler's full capabilities for a Gemfile. FIXME: add a simple example, and go into how version constraints work.

Once your dependencies have been listed, you can install them via:

$ scad_bundle install

scad_bundler will then work out compatible versions of the libraries and install them on your system. Then to fire up OpenSCAD:

$ scad_bundle exec openscad

scad_bundler will then start openscad with the OPENSCADPATH environment set properly to use all of your libraries.

To upgrade libraries, simple call:

$ scad_bundle update

Conventions and Best Practices for creating OpenSCAD Libraries

FIXME: explain how to create a library and what conventions is should follow.


The motivation for scad_bundler is simple - create a first-class package manager for OpenSCAD to help advance the entire OpenSCAD ecosystem.

Having a package manager is an essential feature of modern languages, and OpenSCAD should be no different. A really solid package manager will allow us to build up components and utilities to simplify designs, so that users need not choose between starting at zero and manually wrangling files from Thingiverse. Having this base of knowledge will also help the OpenSCAD community to better identify and codify best practices for sharing code and designing models.

That package manager needs to support versioning and version constraints, so that packages can evolve over time and ship breaking changes rather than stagnate on the first API to coalesce.

It is my hope that building this knowledge base will also help the community hash out common problems "in userspace" either completely or substantially, so that the scope of changes proposed for OpenSCAD itself can be smaller, more focused, and better tested than many proposals that come up now.


Why build on RubyGems and bundler?

RubyGems and bundler are a very stable base to build upon, and include very advanced support for specifying compatible library versions and then resolving those dependencies. Using this foundation is much more expedient than starting from scratch.

Why host openscad packages on

Hosting a package repository is hard work and very security sensitive. Using another open source project's repository get us going from day one, and frees us from all of the infrastructure and security headaches hosting our own would entail. If you don't want to post your package as a gem on, it's perfectly fine to post it on github and direct people to use that. Long term, it would be ideal to host a separate package repository but there's nothing wrong with starting out like this.

Why pass library information via an environment variable?

The initial goal of scad_bundler was to create a package manager that worked without requiring any modifications to OpenSCAD. Long-term, we would love to integrate more tightly with OpenSCAD, but this absolutely works for now.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at


  • Better docs on how to package a new library
  • Completely abstract away the fact that this is ruby-based over the long-term.
  • Change the 'gem' declaration in Scadfile to something that isn't a ruby-centric.
  • Decouple us from the 'gemspec' format. In a perfect world, we'd have our own simplified package format that generated all the extra stuff RubyGems needs but scad_bundler does not. It would also apply some conventions and best practices to the libraries to make other goals easier to accomplish.
  • Long term, create an alternate package repository from that only lists OpenSCAD packages and adds functionality more applicable to 3d modeling.
  • Figure out a cleaner way to integrate this with OpenSCAD than just setting an environment variable on OpenSCAD startup.
  • Better define what features we could add to OpenSCAD to better support libraries (i.e., namespacing support).
  • Provide a hook in the library spec to specify a minimum OpenSCAD version to use the library.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.