
Ignore Tumblr template tags like a { color: {color:Text}; } while parsing SCSS with Sass gem. At this moment, old indent base sass is not supported.


Use Bundler and add a dependency to your Gemfile.

$ gem "sass-tumblr"

Then require sass_tumblr in appropriate way.

require "sass_tumblr"


Parse SCSS with Tumblr template tags using rib.

$ bundle exec irb
irb> require "sass_tumblr"
irb> puts"body {color: {color:Text}}", :syntax => :scss).render
body {
  color: {color:Text}; }


At this moment, all Tumblr tags in SCSS must be one of next format. Basically it follows Tumbler template document, but not all existing templates are following this rule.

{color:Capitalized Key Name}
{font:Capitalized Key Name}
{text:Capitalized Key Name}
{image:Capitalized Key Name}

Also {block:KeyName} and {/block:KeyName} may not work.