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Ruby access to the API.


To get started, you'll need an API key from


Set the API key as the environment variable 'DATA_DOT_GOV_API_KEY' or pass the key as an argument:

require 'samwise'

client = 'my key ...')

# if you set the 'DATA_DOT_GOV_API_KEY' env var, just use:
client =

Verify DUNS number is in

client.duns_is_in_sam?(duns: '080037478')
#=> true

Get DUNS info

client.get_duns_info(duns: '080037478')
    "sam_data" => {
        "registration" => {
            "govtBusinessPoc" => {
                "lastName" => "SUDOL", "address" => {
                    "Line1" => "4301 N HENDERSON RD APT 408", "Zip" => "22203", "Country" => "USA", "City" => "Arlington", "stateorProvince" => "VA"
                }, "email" => "[email protected]", "usPhone" => "5404218332", "firstName" => "BRENDAN"
            }, "dunsPlus4" => "0000", "activationDate" => "2015-10-30 11:42:30.0", "fiscalYearEndCloseDate" => "12/31", "businessTypes" => ["VW", "2X", "27"], "registrationDate" => "2015-10-28 00:00:00.0", "certificationsURL" => {
                "pdfUrl" => ""
            }, "hasDelinquentFederalDebt" => false, "duns" => "080037478", "cage" => "7H1Y7", "hasKnownExclusion" => false, "publicDisplay" => true, "expirationDate" => "2016-10-27 10:53:02.0", "status" => "ACTIVE", "corporateStructureCode" => "2J", "stateOfIncorporation" => "VA", "corporateStructureName" => "Sole Proprietorship", "legalBusinessName" => "Sudol, Brendan", "congressionalDistrict" => "VA 08", "businessStartDate" => "2015-10-28", "statusMessage" => "Active", "lastUpdateDate" => "2015-11-02 17:36:23.0", "submissionDate" => "2015-10-28 10:53:02.0", "samAddress" => {
                "Zip4" => "2511", "Line1" => "4301 N Henderson Rd Apt 408", "Zip" => "22203", "Country" => "USA", "City" => "Arlington", "stateorProvince" => "VA"
            }, "naics" => [{
                "isPrimary" => false, "naicsCode" => "518210", "naicsName" => "DATA PROCESSING, HOSTING, AND RELATED SERVICES"
            }, {
                "isPrimary" => true, "naicsCode" => "541511", "naicsName" => "CUSTOM COMPUTER PROGRAMMING SERVICES"
            }], "creditCardUsage" => true, "countryOfIncorporation" => "USA", "electronicBusinessPoc" => {
                "lastName" => "SUDOL", "address" => {
                    "Line1" => "4301 N HENDERSON RD APT 408", "Zip" => "22203", "Country" => "USA", "City" => "Arlington", "stateorProvince" => "VA"
                }, "email" => "[email protected]", "usPhone" => "5404218332", "firstName" => "BRENDAN"
            }, "mailingAddress" => {
                "Zip4" => "2511", "Line1" => "4301 N Henderson Rd Apt 408", "Zip" => "22203", "Country" => "USA", "City" => "Arlington", "stateorProvince" => "VA"
            }, "purposeOfRegistration" => "ALL_AWARDS"

Validate the format of a DUNS number

This does not need an API key and makes no network calls.

Samwise::Util.duns_is_properly_formatted?(duns: '88371771')
#=> true

Samwise::Util.duns_is_properly_formatted?(duns: '883717717')
#=> true

Samwise::Util.duns_is_properly_formatted?(duns: '0223841150000')
#=> true

Samwise::Util.duns_is_properly_formatted?(duns: '08-011-5718')
#=> true

Samwise::Util.duns_is_properly_formatted?(duns: 'abc1234567')
#=> false

Samwise::Util.duns_is_properly_formatted?(duns: '1234567891234567890')
#=> false

Format a DUNS number

This removes any hyphens and appends 0s where appropriate (does not need an API key and makes no network calls):

Samwise::Util.format_duns(duns: '08-011-5718')
#=> "0801157180000"

duns can be an 8, 9, or 13 digit number (hyphens are removed):

  • If it is 8 digits, 0 is prepended, and 0000 is added to the end.
  • If it is 9 digits, 0000 is added to the end.
  • If it is 13 digits, the number is unchanged.

Check status in

There is a web form where anyone can enter a DUNS number to get its status within

This form uses an undocumented/unpublished JSON endpoint. This gem provides Ruby access to that endpoint.

This does not require an API key, but it will make a network call to the above URL.

The status web form hard codes what appears to be an API key. That key is used by default in this gem. However, you may supply your own (also tell us where you got it!).

client =  'optional')
client.get_sam_status(duns: '08-011-5718')

#=> {
  "Message" => "Request for registration information forbidden",
  "Code" => 403,
  "Error" => ""

client.get_sam_status(duns: )


In your Gemfile:

gem 'samwise', github: '18f/samwise'

Coming Soon

$ gem install samwise

Public Domain

This project is in the worldwide public domain. As stated in CONTRIBUTING:

This project is in the public domain within the United States, and copyright and related rights in the work worldwide are waived through the CC0 1.0 Universal public domain dedication.

All contributions to this project will be released under the CC0 dedication. By submitting a pull request, you are agreeing to comply with this waiver of copyright interest.