
Interface to the public Avalara TaxRates database for sales taxes in the United States of America. Easily look up combined, state, and county rates by zip code.

Notice: This is a development tool only; it is not intended for use as tax compliance software and should not be relied upon for financial decisions. As detailed in the LICENSE, use of this software is at your own risk. The author(s) disclaim all warranties and by your use of this software you agree to waive the author(s) of any and all liabilities. You should consult with a tax professional before collecting or paying taxes.

Build Status


Install via Rubygems or add the dependency via Bundler:

# Rubygems directly
gem install sales_tax

# In your Gemfile
gem 'sales_tax'

After installation you will need to download the publicly available CSV data from Avalara's

# Ensure the gem is loaded when `rake` is called (this is done automatically
# if you're using Rails and the gem is in your Gemfile)
bundle exec rake sales_tax:download

Basic usage

You can look up the tax rates via zip code:

# => <struct SalesTax::Rate region_name="SAN FRANCISCO COUNTY",
#                           region_code="AIUQ",
#                           combined_rate=0.0875,
#                           state_rate=0.065,
#                           county_rate=0.01,
#                           city_rate=0.0,
#                           special_rate=0.0125>


Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.