
If you hate writing HTML, this project is not for you. Try Slim or one of the many other template languages. Each has its strengths, weaknesses and place in this world.


Simple Attribute Language (sal.rb) is logic-less with valid HTML.


With all the other options, why sal.rb?

Having spent many years in <% %> land with JSP and ERB templates and seeing the issues that arise with this approach, I wanted to eliminate the ability to freely code in views. My first attempt implementing this idea was RuHL.

RuHL had issues though. First and least important from a proof a concept angle was the name. RuHL rules! Bleh.

More to the point: RuHL wasn't compilable and therefore didn't fit easily into the world of Ruby templates. After a short time, the frameworks I had support for (Rails and Sinatra) progressed past RuHL's ability to hack its way into the framework.

Earlier this year I started work on sal.js to tackle another view related issue. It just so happens that the idea behind RuHL was the way to make sal.js a reality. While working on sal.js, I refined the approach RuHL took to make it smarter.

As it happens, request were made to bring RuHL up-to-date and make it work with the latest and greatest. Also as it happens, this was turning out to be more work that I wanted to put into RuHL knowing the architecture simply wouldn't work in the long term.

After weeks of distractions and no real clue how to make a compilable RuHL , the solution presented itself and here we are.


sal.rb works by parsing your HTML looking for a data-sal attribute and executing the value as a method call against the rendering scope. How sal acts depends on the type of response.


The simplest of return values is a string. This tells sal to make this value the contents of the tag.

Lets say there's a method called title:

def title
  'This is different'

Then you have some markup in your template like so:

<h1 data-sal="title">This will be replaced</h1>

When you render the template you'll get:

<h1>This is different</h1>

As you've no doubt noticed, the data-sal attribute is gone and the contents have been replaced with the value of the title method call.


The next return value sal knows about is a hash. With the exception of an :html key, sal simply treats each of the keys as attributes to be added to the tag. The value of the html key becomes the value of the tag.

Lets say there's a method called login_link:

  if logged_in?
    { :href => '/logout', :html => 'Log out' }
    { :href => '/login', :html => 'Log in' }

Then you have some markup in your template like so:

<a data-sal="title">Login link</a>

If logged_in is false you'll get:

<a href='/login'>Log in</a>


For Rails users, you will probably need to access objects like an ActiveRecord model in your view. To simplify this, you can have tags scoped to an object.

For example, you may have a user detail page:

<div data-sal="current_user">
  <h1>Welcome <span data-sal="full_name">Awesome user</span></h1>
  <form method="post" action="/account">
    <input data-sal="email_input" type="text"/>

Since this will probably be a common scenario you probably don't want to write an input method for each attribute, so lets use method_missing:

def method_missing(meth)
  meth = meth.to_s
  if meth =~ /_input$/
    name  = meth.split('_').first
    klass = self.class.name.downcase
    {:name => "#{klass}[#{name}]", :id => "#{klass}_#{name}", :value => send(name)}

This will give you the Rails-y format for input tags. For example, if current_user returns a user object where:

class User < ActiveRecord::Base
  def full_name
    first_name + " " + last_name

<!-- first_name = 'John', last_name = 'Smith, email = '[email protected]' -->
  <h1>Welcome <span>John Smith</span></h1>
  <form method="post" action="/account">
    <input name="user[email]" id="user_email" value="[email protected]" type="text"/>


If the return value is an array, sal repeats the markup for each item in the array applying the contents accordingly.

Lets say there's a method called days_of_week:

def days_of_week
  %w{Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday}

Then you have some markup in your template like so:

<select name="day">
  <option>Please choose</option>
  <option data-sal='days_of_week'>Monday</option>

When you render the template you'll get:

<select name="day">
  <option>Please choose</option>

But wait, you want the value to be different...

def days_of_week
  [ {:value => 0, :html => 'Monday'},
    {:value => 1, :html => 'Tuesday'},
    {:value => 2, :html => 'Wednesday'},
    {:value => 3, :html => 'Thursday'},
    {:value => 4, :html => 'Friday'},
    {:value => 5, :html => 'Saturday'},
    {:value => 6, :html => 'Sunday'} ]

Same markup as above, but when you render you'll get:

<select name="day">
  <option>Please choose</option>
  <option value='0'>Monday</option>
  <option value='1'>Tuesday</option>
  <option value='2'>Wednesday</option>
  <option value='3'>Thursday</option>
  <option value='4'>Friday</option>
  <option value='5'>Saturday</option>
  <option value='6'>Sunday</option>

That's the basics for now...more documenation to come.