Class: Resources

ResourcesBase show all
Defined in:


Resources page for a given Site, in the Course Tools menu

Method Summary

Methods inherited from ResourcesBase

#access_level, #attach_a_copy, #continue, #create_html_page_in, #create_subfolders_in, #edit_content, #edit_details, #file_names, #folder_names, #go_to_folder, #href, #item, #open_actions_menu, #open_add_menu, #open_folder, #remove_item, #select_file, #upload_file, #upload_files_to_folder, #upload_local_file, #upload_multiple_files_to_folder, #url=

Methods inherited from BasePage

basic_page_elements, frame_element

Methods inherited from PageMaker

element, expected_element, expected_title, #initialize, #method_missing, page_url

Constructor Details

This class inherits a constructor from PageMaker

Dynamic Method Handling

This class handles dynamic methods through the method_missing method in the class PageMaker