
Gem provides access to commenly used sailboat and yacht design formula.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'sailcalc'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install sailcalc


Sailcalc.dl_ratio(disp, lwl)

Calculates the displacement to length ratio of the vessel.
Required Parameters.

  • disp : vessel displacement in lbs.
  • lwl : waterline length of vessel in ft.
Sailcalc.dl_ratio(20_000, 30)  
=> 330.69


Calculates the theoretical hull speed of the vessel.
Required Parameters.

  • lwl : waterline length of vessel in ft.
=> 7.34

Sailcalc.sa_disp(disp, sa)

Calculates the sail area to displacement ratio of the vessel.
Required Parameters.

  • disp : vessel displacement in lbs.
  • sa : sail area of vessel in sq.ft.
Sailcalc.sa_disp(18_250, 810)  
=> 18.71

Sailcalc.len_beam(loa, bmax)

Calculates the length to beam ratio of the vessel.
Required Parameters.

  • loa : vessel length overall in ft.
  • bmax : maximum beam of vessel in ft.
Sailcalc.len_beam(42, 14.5)  
=> 2.9

Sailcalc.cap(disp, bmax)

Calculates the "capsize number" of the vessel.
Required Parameters.

  • disp : vessel displacement in lbs.
  • bmax : maximum beam of vessel in ft.
Sailcalc.cap(18_500, 14)  
=> 2.12

Sailcalc.bal_disp(disp, bal)

Calculates the balast to displacement ratio of the vessel. returns a percentage.
Required Parameters.

  • disp : vessel displacement in lbs.
  • bal : vessel ballast weight in lbs.
Sailcalc.bal_disp(20_000, 9_200)  
=> 46.0

Sailcalc.mcr(disp, lwl, loa, bmax)

Calculates the motion comfort number of the vessel.
Required Parameters.

  • disp : vessel displacement in lbs.
  • lwl : waterline length of vessel in ft.
  • loa : vessel length overall in ft.
  • bmax : maximum beam of vessel in ft.
Sailcalc.mcr(20_000, 30, 34, 12.7)  
=> 31.32


  1. Fork it ([my-github-username]/sailcalc/fork )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request