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The SafeYAML gem provides an alternative implementation of YAML.load suitable for accepting user input in Ruby applications. Unlike Ruby's built-in implementation of YAML.load, SafeYAML's version will not expose apps to arbitrary code execution exploits (such as the ones recently discovered in Rails).


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem "safe_yaml"

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install safe_yaml


Suppose your application were to contain some code like this:

class ExploitableClassBuilder
  def []=(key, value)
    @class ||=

    @class.class_eval <<-EOS
      def #{key}

  def create

Now, if you were to use YAML.load on user input anywhere in your application without the SafeYAML gem installed, an attacker could make a request with a carefully-crafted YAML string to execute arbitrary code (yes, including system("unix command")) on your servers.


yaml = <<-EOYAML
--- !ruby/hash:ExploitableClassBuilder
"foo; end; puts %(I'm in yr system!); def bar": "baz"
> YAML.load(yaml)
I'm in yr system!
=> #<ExploitableClassBuilder:0x007fdbbe2e25d8 @class=#<Class:0x007fdbbe2e2510>>

With SafeYAML, that attacker would be thwarted:

> require "safe_yaml"
=> true
> YAML.safe_load(yaml)
=> {"foo; end; puts %(I'm in yr system!); def bar"=>"baz"}


YAML.safe_load will load YAML without allowing arbitrary object deserialization.

YAML.unsafe_load will exhibit Ruby's built-in behavior: to allow the deserialization of arbitrary objects.

By default, when you require the safe_yaml gem in your project, YAML.load is patched to internally call safe_load. The patched method also accepts a :safe flag to specify which version to use:

# Ruby >= 1.9.3
YAML.load(yaml, filename, :safe => true) # calls safe_load
YAML.load(yaml, filename, :safe => false) # calls unsafe_load

# Ruby < 1.9.3
YAML.load(yaml, :safe => true) # calls safe_load
YAML.load(yaml, :safe => false) # calls unsafe_load

The default behavior can be switched to unsafe loading by calling SafeYAML::OPTIONS[:default_mode] = :unsafe. In this case, the :safe flag still has the same effect, but the defaults are reversed (so calling YAML.load will have the same behavior as if the safe_yaml gem weren't required).

This gem will also warn you whenever you use YAML.load without specifying the :safe option, or if you have not explicitly specified a default mode using the :default_mode option.

Supported Types

The way that SafeYAML works is by restricting the kinds of objects that can be deserialized via YAML.load. More specifically, only the following types of objects can be deserialized by default:

  • Hashes
  • Arrays
  • Strings
  • Numbers
  • Dates
  • Times
  • Booleans
  • Nils

Deserialization of symbols can also be enabled by setting SafeYAML::OPTIONS[:deserialize_symbols] = true (for example, in an initializer). Be aware, however, that symbols in Ruby are not garbage-collected; therefore enabling symbol deserialization in your application may leave you vulnerable to DOS attacks.

Whitelisting Trusted Types

SafeYAML now also supports whitelisting certain YAML tags for trusted types. This is handy when your application may use YAML to serialize and deserialize certain types not listed above, which you know to be free of any deserialization-related vulnerabilities. You can whitelist tags via the :whitelisted_tags option:

# Using Syck (unfortunately, Syck and Psych use different tagging schemes)
SafeYAML::OPTIONS[:whitelisted_tags] = [",2002:object:OpenStruct"]

# Using Psych
SafeYAML::OPTIONS[:whitelisted_tags] = ["!ruby/object:OpenStruct"]

When SafeYAML encounters whitelisted tags in a YAML document, it will default to the deserialization capabilities of the underlying YAML engine (i.e., either Syck or Psych).

However, this feature will not allow would-be attackers to embed untrusted types within trusted types:

yaml = <<-EOYAML
--- !ruby/object:OpenStruct 
  :backdoor: !ruby/hash:ExploitableClassBuilder 
    "foo; end; puts %(I'm in yr system!); def bar": "baz"
> YAML.safe_load(yaml)
=> #<OpenStruct :backdoor={"foo; end; puts %(I'm in yr system!); def bar"=>"baz"}>

Pretty sweet, right?

Known Issues

Be aware that some Ruby libraries, particularly those requiring inter-process communication, leverage YAML's object deserialization functionality and therefore may break or otherwise be impacted by SafeYAML. The following list includes known instances of SafeYAML's interaction with other Ruby gems:

  • Guard: Uses YAML as a serialization format for notifications. The data serialized uses symbolic keys, so setting SafeYAML::OPTIONS[:deserialize_symbols] = true is necessary to allow Guard to work.
  • sidekiq: Uses a YAML configiuration file with symbolic keys, so setting SafeYAML::OPTIONS[:deserialize_symbols] = true should allow it to work.

The above list will grow over time, as more issues are discovered.


This gem is quite young, and so the API may (read: will) change in future versions. The goal of the gem is to make it as easy as possible to protect existing applications from object deserialization exploits. Any and all feedback is more than welcome.


SafeYAML requires Ruby 1.8.7 or newer and works with both Syck and Psych.

If you are using a version of Ruby where Psych is the default YAML engine (e.g., 1.9.3) but you want to use Syck, be sure to set YAML::ENGINE.yamler = "syck" before requiring the safe_yaml gem.