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While working with environment variables, routing parameters, API responses, or other Hash-like objects require parsing, we often need type coercion to assure expected behaviors.

SafeType provides an intuitive type coercion interface and type enhancement.


We can install safe_type using gem install:

gem install safe_type

Or we can add it as a dependency in the Gemfile and run bundle install:

gem 'safe_type'

Use Cases

Environment Variables

require 'safe_type/mixin/hash' # symbolize_keys

ENV["API_KEY"] = ""
ENV["BUILD_NUM"] = "123"
SAFE_ENV = SafeType::coerce(
    "DISABLE_TASKS" => SafeType::Boolean.default(false),
    "API_KEY" => SafeType::String.default("SECRET"),
    "BUILD_NUM" => SafeType::Integer.strict,

SAFE_ENV[:API_KEY]          # => SECRET
SAFE_ENV[:BUILD_NUM]        # => 123

Routing Parameters

class FallSemesterStartDate < SafeType::Date
  # implement `is_valid?` method

current_year =
params = {
  "course_id" => "101",
  "start_date" => "#{current_year}-10-01"

rules = {
  "course_id" => SafeType::Integer.strict,
  "start_date" => FallSemester.strict

SafeType::coerce!(params, rules)

params["course_id"]       # => 101
params["start_date"]      # => <Date: 2018-10-01 ((2458393j,0s,0n),+0s,2299161j)>

JSON Response

json = {
  "names" => ["Alice", "Bob", "Chris"],
  "info" => [
      "type" => "dog",
      "age" => "5",
      "type" => "cat",
      "age" => "4",
      "type" => "fish",
      "age" => "6",

SafeType::coerce!(json, {
  "names" => [SafeType::String.strict],
  "info" => [
      "type" => SafeType::String.strict,
      "age" => SafeType::Integer.strict

Http Response

class ResponseType; end

class Response < SafeType::Rule
  def initialize(type: ResponseType, default: "404")

  def before(uri)
    # make request

Response.coerce("https://API_URI")   # => #<ResponseType:0x000056005b3e7518>


A Rule describes a single transformation pipeline. It's the core of this gem.

class Rule
  def initialize(type:, default: nil, required: false)

The parameters are

  • the type to transform into
  • the default value when the result is nil
  • required indicates whether empty values are allowed

strict vs default

The primitive types in SafeType provide default and strict mode, which are

  • SafeType::Boolean
  • SafeType::Date
  • SafeType::DateTime
  • SafeType::Float
  • SafeType::Integer
  • SafeType::String
  • SafeType::Symbol
  • SafeType::Time

Under the hood, they are all just SafeType rules.

  • default: a rule with default value specified
  • strict: a rule with required: true, so no empty values are allowed, or it throws EmptyValueError

Apply the rules

As we've seen in the use cases, we can call coerce to apply a set of SafeType::Rules. Rules can be bundled together as elements in an array or values in a hash.

coerce vs coerce!

  • SafeType::coerce returns a new object, corresponding to the rules. The unspecified fields will not be included in the new object.
  • SafeType::coerce! coerces the object in place. The unspecified fields will not be modified. Note SafeType::coerce! cannot be used on a simple object, otherwise it will raise SafeType::InvalidRuleError.

To apply the rule on a simple object, we can call the coerce method as well.

SafeType::Integer.default.coerce("1")    # => 1
SafeType::Integer.coerce("1")            # => 1

Note those two examples are equivalent:

SafeType::coerce(ENV["PORT"], SafeType::Integer.default(3000))

For the SafeType primitive types, applying the rule on the class itself will use the default rule.

Customized Types

We can inherit from a SafeType::Rule to create a customized type. We can override following methods if needed:

  • Override initialize to change the default values, types, or add more attributes.
  • Override before to update the input before convert. This method should take the input and return it after processing.
  • Override is_valid? to check the value after convert. This method should take the input and return true or false.
  • Override after to update the input after validate. This method should take the input and return it after processing.
  • Override handle_exceptions to change the behavior of exceptions handling (e.g: send to the logger, or no exception)
  • Override default or strict to modify the default and strict rule.

Prior Art

This gem was inspired by rails_param and dry-types. dry-types has a complex interface. Also it does not support in place coercion, and it will be complicated to ENV since the design of its Hash Schemas. rails_param relies on Rails and it is only for the params. Therefore, safe_type was created. It integrated some ideas from both gems, and it was designed specifically for type checking to provide an clean and easy-to-use interface. It should be useful when working with any string or hash where the values are coming from an external source, such as ENV variables, rails params, or API calls.


safe_type is released under an MIT license.