This is a first pass at a Ruby library for talking to Amazon's S3 service.

It is less complete than my previous effort (, but more solid, more elegant,
and with a test suite (which uses RSpec - see - I haven't added RSpec as a gem
dependency (you can ignore the tests if you like), but for reference I developed the tests using 0.5.12).

To use it from inside your Ruby script:

require 's33r'

If you want to see an example program which uses the library, have a look at bin/s3cli.rb. This is a simple command
line client which you can use to post a file to S3 and email a link to the file to someone. Useful for sending
big files to people without clogging their email inbox with enormous files. It is also intended as a demonstration
of how to use the library. Full instructions are included at the top of the file.

By the way, I've tested this on Linux, but not on Windows or Mac.