
Rizzo is a heavily customized Vagrant configuration and work flow with a role based focus. It is meant to make working with Vagrant easier and purpose built for layered Puppet control repositories.

Rizzo loads a personal configuration file, ~/.rizzo.yaml by default, which lists one or more control repositories. Rizzo then looks for and loads a .rizzo.yaml configuration file located at the root of the top level control repository. The top level control repository is the first listed in the array of control repositories in the personal configuration file.

There should be at least one node for every role that is managed by a control repo. This information is stored in .rizzo.yaml under the control repo. This makes it apparent what roles are available and aids in functional testing.

Each control repo must have a directory under it named modules. It is up to you to populate this, so it works with the common tools such as librarian-puppet-simple, librarian-puppet and r10k, without being dependent on them.

Rizzo is named after Rizzo the Rat.


Tested to work with ruby versions associated with Puppet, see .travis.yml, on OSX and Windows 2012R2.


Add the rizzo gem to your control repository Gemfile. For example, in puppetdata:

diff --git a/Gemfile b/Gemfile
index 572f681..5c2f3b0 100644
--- a/Gemfile
+++ b/Gemfile
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ gem 'puppet-lint-undef_in_function-check'
 gem 'puppet-lint-unquoted_string-check'
 gem 'puppet-lint-variable_contains_upcase'
 gem 'puppet-syntax'
+gem 'rzo'

 gem 'serverspec', :require => false
 gem 'vagrant-wrapper', :require => false

Then update the bundle with:

bundle install --path .bundle/gems/
bundle update rzo

Interact with rizzo using:

bundle exec rizzo --help
Sub Commands:

  config       Print out the combined rizzo yaml config
  generate     Initialize Vagrantfile in top control repo

Global options: (Note, command line arguments supersede ENV vars in {}'s)
  -l, --logto=<s>     Log file to write to or keywords STDOUT, STDERR {RZO_LOGTO} (default: STDERR)
  -s, --syslog        Log to syslog
  -v, --verbose       Set log level to INFO
  -d, --debug         Set log level to DEBUG
  -c, --config=<s>    Rizzo config file {RZO_CONFIG} (default: ~/.rizzo.yaml)
  -e, --version       Print version and exit
  -h, --help          Show this message

Once rizzo is installed, setup your configuration file, ~/.rizzo.yaml, then use bundle exec rizzo generate to write the Vagrantfile in your control repo.


  1. vagrant-vbguest gem See https://github.com/dotless-de/vagrant-vbguest

    vagrant plugin install vagrant-vbguest

  2. vagrant-proxyconf gem This is optional. When used, if you have proxy settings set in your environment, they will be transferred to the guest. See http://tmatilai.github.io/vagrant-proxyconf/

    vagrant plugin install vagrant-proxyconf



The personal configuration file is loaded first, from ~/.rizzo.yaml by default. The global --config option allows the end user to specific a different path to the personal configuration file.

Using this example, change the paths to your git repos:

  bootstrap_repo_path: "/Users/gh/git/bootstrap"
- "/Users/gh/git/puppet-control-myteam"
- "/Users/gh/git/puppetdata"
- "/Users/gh/git/puppet-modules"
  name: "infra-puppetca"
  - "./modules"
  - "./puppetdata/modules"
  - "./ghoneycutt/modules"
      local: "/Users/gh/git/puppetdata"
      owner: "root"
      group: "root"
      local: "/Users/gh/git/puppet-modules"
      owner: "root"
      group: "root"

Once you have a personal config file, ~/.rizzo.yaml, change directories to your top level control repository and generate your Vagrantfile:

cd ~/git/puppet-control-myteam
bundle exec rizzo generate

Expected output:

Wrote vagrant config to Vagrantfile

Once the Vagrantfile has been generated, interact with the roles using vagrant status.

vagrant status
Current machine states:

infra-puppetfourca        not created (virtualbox)
infra-puppetfour          not created (virtualbox)
infra-test                not created (virtualbox)

This environment represents multiple VMs. The VMs are all listed
above with their current state. For more information about a specific
VM, run `vagrant status NAME`.

Configuration Specification


The defaults hash is merged with each node entries hash. Put user specific entries in the personal configuration file at ~/.rizzo.yaml and control repo specific entries in ${PATH_TO_CONTROL_REPO}/.rizzo.yaml.


The control_repos array is a list of control repos. Rizzo takes the approach that control repos are layered. The ordering should match your puppetmaster['modulepath'] array. The first control repo with a .rizzo.yaml in it will have that Rizzo config used.


This hash is for your puppet master and is specific to that purpose.


If the name of the node matches puppetmaster['name'] then that node will be treated as a puppetmaster. This will add the synced folders which map to your control repos. This allows you to edit code locally using your favorite editor and have it immediately available within the puppetmaster.


An array to describe the modulepath that is used in the puppetmaster's environment.conf. This file is available in the bootstrap_guest_path for use with your bootstrap script.


Hash of hashes for directories that are made available to the guest. The key for the hash is the directory under the guest and its keys are local, which is the path on the host and owner and group which are the owner and group permissions the directory will be mounted with on the guest.


  bootstrap_script_path: "bootstrap_puppet4.sh"
  bootstrap_script_args: "-l -f `hostname -f`"
  bootstrap_guest_path: "/tmp/bootstrap"
  boot_timeout: 500
  box: "centos7.box"
  box_url: "https://vagrantboxes/centos7.box"
  box_download_checksum: "3764a2c4ae3829aa4b50971e216c3a03736aafb2"
  box_download_checksum_type: "sha1"
  memory: "1024"
  netmask: ""
  update_packages: true
  update_packages_command: "yum -y update"
  shutdown: true
  shutdown_command: "/sbin/shutdown -h now"
  - name: "infra-puppetca"
    hostname: "infra-puppetca1.example.org"
    - guest: "8140"
      host: "8140"
    ip: ""
    memory: "2048"
  - name: "infra-puppet"
    hostname: "infra-puppet1.example.org"
    ip: ""
    memory: "2048"
  - name: "www-api"
    hostname: "www-api1.example.org"
    ip: ""
  - name: "mssql1"
    hostname: "mysql1.example.org"
    - guest: "5985"
      host: "5985"
    ip: ""
    windows: true
    gui: true
    shutdown: false
    update_packages: false
    box: "mwrock/Windows2016"
    box_url: ~
    box_download_checksum: ~
    box_download_checksum_type: ~


This hash is merged with each node entry.


A list of node entries.


Name of the node entry. This is what it will be referred to by Vagrant.


The FQDN (fully qualified domain name).


An optional array of hashes with the key guest and value is the port on the guest and the key host and the value is the port on the host. Rizzo will check and fail if you use duplicate host ports, as they must be unique.


IP address.




Amount of memory. This should be specified in MB without any unit signifier.


The path on the host to your bootstrap repo.


The path on the guest where the bootstrap_repo_path will be mounted.


Path of script to be used to bootstrap a system. This is relative to bootstrap_guest_path.


Any arguments to pass to bootstrap_script_path.

boot_timeout (Integer)

Optional parameter that sets the amount of time is seconds that Vagrant waits for a node to become available via ssh before it fails. Default is 300 seconds.


Name of the Vagrant box.


URL to the Vagrant box.


Checksum of the Vagrant box.


Type of checksum used in box_download_checksum.


Boolean to determine if packages should be updated.


Command to update the packages.


Boolean to determine if the system should be shutdown after being provisioned. This is useful because Rizzo uses vagrant-vbguest which will check the version of the VirtualBox Guest Additions you have with that of the guest VM. If they differ, it will recompile on the guest. If the system is not shutdown and just rebooted, then on the next boot the guest additions will not work. Instead the system must be brought up with vagrant up node_name which will activate the vbguest plugin and ensure the guest additions are working.


The command used to shutdown the system.


If this is set to true the GUI will be enabled. This brings up the VirtualBox window and aid in debugging on Windows systems.


If this is set to true, extra options will be included to let Vagrant know this is a windows host and to use WinRM for the connect. It will also use the name entry instead of hostname.