Class: Rxhp::HtmlSelfClosingElement

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Base class for HTML elements where the closing tag is optional, but there can still be children.

For example, </p> is optional in HTML, but required in XHTML. This will change whether they’re included or not based on the selected render format.

Direct Known Subclasses


Instance Attribute Summary

Attributes inherited from Element

#attributes, #children

Method Summary

Methods inherited from HtmlElement

#render, #render_children, #tag_name, #validate!

Methods included from AttributeValidator

match?, #valid_attributes?, #validate_attributes!

Methods inherited from Element

#children?, #fill_options, #initialize, #render, #render_children, #render_string, #valid?, #validate!

Methods included from Scope

current, define_element, with_parent

Constructor Details

This class inherits a constructor from Rxhp::Element