RVM Tester

Runs tests across Ruby installations in RVM using concurrent worker processes. This library does not sandbox installations, and requires that you have already installed the necessary Ruby installations under RVM.


In addition to installing this library with gem install rvm-tester, you will also need to setup


You can either use this library via the Rake task or directly via the Runner class:

Rake Task

Place the following in your Rakefile:

require 'rvm-tester'
RVM::Tester::TesterTask.new(:suite) do |t|
  t.rubies = %w(1.8.6 1.8.7 1.9.2 1.9.3) # which versions to test (required!)
  t.bundle_install = true                # updates Gemfile.lock, default is true
  t.command = "bundle exec rake test"    # runs plain "rake" by default
  t.env = {"VERBOSE" => "1"}             # set any ENV vars
  t.num_workers = 5                      # defaults to 3
  t.verbose = true                       # shows more output, off by default

And simply run the task with rake suite.

Runner Class

You can also run the runner directly. The "t" object passed in the task above is the runner class, so you would set it up in the same way. You can also pass all attributes via the options hash.

runner = RVM::Tester::Runner.new(:rubies => %w(rbx 1.9.3), :verbose => true)


This library depends on RVM to control Ruby installations and mob_spawner to spawn worker processes.

MobSpawner is licensed under the MIT license, © 2012 Loren Segal