
Determine whether you've seen an object before.

require 'eye'
eye = Eye.new
eye.see value
if eye.seen? value
  # ...


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sudo gem sources -a http://gems.github.com


sudo gem install runpaint-eye


Eye is a simple class to abstract the task of keeping track of values you've encountered previously.

Traditionally we would use a Hash for this task, for example:

eye = Hash.new(0)
eye[value] += 1
if eye.key? value
  # ...

This works, but is imperfect:

  • It's a clunky idiom because you're forced to be concerned with Hash keys and incrementing values purely for their side effects. Precisely how you keep track of seen values should merely be an implementation detail.
  • If you want to change the data structure, you have to change all of the eye[value] +=/eye.key? value references to whatever your new data structure requires. This is annoying and introduces the possibility of errors.
  • It requires you to keep the data structure in memory, which means your program's memory usage will increase with the size of the data set. If you switch to a disk-based solution you'll need to decide on a new approach, then change all the logic mentioned previously.
  • It offers no easy way of constraining the size of the data structure, specifying how values should be compared for seenness, or, indeed, having any control over the process.

Eye is an in-progress attempt at solving these problems by providing a general abstract interface, and allowing you to switch data structures / options by changing one line of code.

Types of Eye

By default Eye uses a Hash to manage the collection of seen items. It also supports Arrays and Bloom Filters.

Eye.new(:type => :array) # Use an Array
Eye.new(:type => :bloom_filter) # Use a Bloom Filter

Bloom Filter

The Bloom Filter type requires the bloomfilter Gem to be installed. Its size can be adjusted by passing a Fixnum as the second argument of the constructor. Please don't use this type unless you understand the data structure's tradeoffs; otherwise you could get confused. ;-)

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