Runfile Tasks

A library of tasks ready to be included in your [Runfile]


Install the gem or require it in your Gemfile:

gem 'runfile-tasks'

In your Runfile, you can include either all tasks:

require 'runfile-tasks'

Or pick and choose from the various task categories:

require 'runfile-tasks/testing'

Requiring the task packs does not make them available in your Runfile immediately. You need to activate any of the tasks you want as described below.


Include any of the tasks you need in your Runfile like this:

require 'runfile-tasks'

name    "Greeter"
summary "A sample Runfile"
version "0.1.0"

# Include rdoc tasks and rspec tasks

# The rest of your Runfile goes here
action :hello do
  puts "world"

Task Index

Testing Tasks

Require all testing tasks:

require 'runfile-tasks/testing'

Testing with RSpec

Commands Added:

  • run spec [NAME] [TAG] - Run all specs, a single spec file, or all specs matching a tag.
# Only require the rspec tasks
require 'runfile-tasks/testing/rspec'

# Include the rspec tasks with default configuration

# Set the Runfile action to 'test' instead of the default 'spec'
RunfileTasks::Testing.rspec 'test'

# Change the default options with a hash (these are the defaults)
RunfileTasks::rspec action: 'spec', 
  pattern: './spec/**/*_spec.rb', command: 'rspec'

Testing with Minitest

Commands Added:

  • test [NAME] - Run all tests or a single test file.
# Only require the minitest tasks
require 'runfile-tasks/testing/minitest'

# Include the minitest tasks with default configuration

# Set the file pattern to look for (this is the default)
RunfileTasks::Testing.minitest './test/*_test.rb'

Testing with Cucumber

Commands Added:

  • (feature|features) [<tag_or_file> --list --fast] - Run cucumber feature tests or show list of available features.
  • stepdefs - Generate a markdown document from the step definitions
# Only require the cucumber tasks
require 'runfile-tasks/testing/cucumber'

# Include the cucumber tasks with default configuration

# Include the step definitions markdown generator

Gem Authoring Tasks

Commands Added:

  • build [--install] - Build gem from gemspec and move it to 'gems' folder. Use --install to also install it.
  • install [--remote] - Install gem from local gem file or from rubygems (--remote).
  • publish - Publish gem to rubygems. Make sure to 'run gem build' before you publish.
  • yank [VERSION] - Yank gem from rubygems.
require 'runfile-tasks/rubygems'

# Include the tasks with default configuration. Pass in your gem name.
RunfileTasks::RubyGems.all 'my-gem'

# Set the folder where gems are copied after they are built (default)
RunfileTasks::RubyGems.all 'my-gem', 'gems'

# Include only the `build` and `install` tasks 'my-gem'

# Include only the `publish` and `yank` tasks
RunfileTasks::RubyGems.publish 'my-gem'

Documentation Tasks

Commands Added:

  • rdoc [-- OPTIONS...] - Generate documentation using the rdoc command line tool. To pass arguments to rdoc, place them after '--'.
require 'runfile-tasks/docs'

# Include the tasks with default configuration.

# Set the files to be considered (default below)
RunfileTasks::Docs.rdoc '**/*.{rb,md}'

# Pass any additional option directly to rdoc (defaults below)
RunfileTasks::Docs.rdoc '**/*.{rb,md}', ["--main", "--all",]

Changelog Tasks

This command requires that you have [github_changelog_generator] in your Gemfile.

Commands Added:

  • changelog [--commit] - Generates a changelog and optionally commits it to the git repository.
require 'runfile-tasks/changelog'

# Include the task and provide your github user/repo
RunfileTasks::Changelog.generator "DannyBen/runfile"

[Runfile]: [random cat]: [github_changelog_generator]: