Rumm: a tasty tool for hackers and pirates

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Rumm is a command line interface and API to rackspace. You can use it to easily build and manage infrastructure for great good.


Authenticate with rackspace using your cloud credentials as follows:

rumm login
  username: joe
  password: ****
  logged in, credentials written to ~/.netrc

Now we can see the list of servers we have available:

$ rumm show servers
you don't have any servers, but you can create one by running:
rumm create server

Create the server:

rumm create server
  created server divine-reef
    id: 52415800-8b69-11e0-9b19-734f565bc83b, hostId: e4d909c290d0fb1ca068ffaddf22cbd0, ip:, image: CentOS 5.2

For further help, including a full listing of commands, type:

rumm help

Further Reading

See the official rumm website for more information, including documentation.