

Rugular is a framework to build AngularJS 1.3 apps. The goal is to provide a rails-like interface to constructing a UI with Sass, Haml, and CoffeeScript with generators to create template files.

AngularJS is a fast-moving framework, and it is a goal of Rugular to keep pace with all the exciting changes that are happening. Please read more about the anticipated changes in the roadmap section below.



  • nodejs
  • bower
  • ruby 2.0 or later

Installing the Gem

gem install rugular

Install dependencies

Download all necessary dependencies by running the rugular dependencies task. This will download packages from both npm and bower.

Start a new project

rugular new <project_name>

A new Rugular project contains the following folders and files:

├──  .application.sass
├──  .gitignore/
├──  .tmp/
├──  bower_components/
├──  bower.json
├──  dist/
├──  Gemfile
├──  node_modules/
├──  package.json
├──  release/
├──  src/
│   ├──  app/
│   │   ├──  _app.sass
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├──  index.haml
│   ├──  assets/
│   ├──  components/
│   ├──  favico.ico
├──  vendor/
├──  bower_components.yaml
Folder/File Name Description
.application.sass A manifest sass file for development purposes. Declare vendor sass if needed, the rest is included for you.
.gitignore Many of the files and folders here are not needed for source control, when deploying an application, please use the rugular build command described below
.tmp A temporary folder used for storing compiled Haml, Sass, and Coffeescript file, you do not need to edit any files in this folder.
bower_components A folder used by bower to install packages.
bower.json A list of packages to be installed by bower.
dist A folder that contains production files created by the rugular build command
Gemfile A way to install the rugular gem locally. This is not needed if you install rugular globally.
node_modules A folder used by npm to install packages.
package.json A list of packages to be installed by npm.
release A folder that contains a manifest files to be used as a bower_component
src A folder containing the source code unique to a rugular application.
src/app A folder for application code that correlates to the layout of the application and a URL route in the application. A section is detailed below about How to Write Rugular apps.
src/components A folder for isolate-scope directives to be used in your application code. This folder is also described in How to Write Rugular apps.
src/assets A folder to place assets, including but not limited to, .png, .woff, .svg, .pdf. All files placed in the assets folder can be linked by their relative filename, e.g. src/assets/logo.png can be linked as <img src='assets/logo.png'></img>
vendor 3rd-party javascript, coffeescript, css, and sass files that do not come with bower management. All of these files are included before any code in src.
bower_components.yaml A file to declare what third party files in the bower_components and vendor folder you would like to include.

How to Write Rugular Apps

Application specific code lies in the src folder. Other files, such as bower_components or other 3rd party vendor files are declared in the bower_components.yaml file.

Code in the src folder are written in Coffeescript, Haml and Sass and designed to follow Google's Best Practices for an Angular App Structure. Rugular initially creates a src/app folder for logic pertaining to urls and an src/components folder for abstracted web components, written as Angular directives.

The src/app folder

The files in the src/app folder that have app are special to a rugular application.

The src/app/ declares the base module for the application. Any modules that are created within one level of nesting in the src/app folder (e.g. src/app/dashboard/ are to be included in the declaration.

The src/app/ file declares a base route, root for the application from which all other routes are derived from; all other routes should be prepended with 'root.'.

Thesrc/app/app.haml file serves as an application layout for the rest of your application. If you have directives such as a navbar or footer directive, it is advised to add these directives to this haml file.

The src/components folder

The src/components folder should contain folders of one-off modules that contain one or more of the following:

  • A directive with isolate scope.
  • A factory for encapsulating server-side calls.
  • A filter for sorting data.

These files can also live in the app directory. It is recommended to put abstract modules that can be used in other projects in the src/components directory.

Server Side calls

Rugular apps are intended to interface with one main API. The base URL of that API can be configured in the config.yaml file for both the rugular server command for development, and the rugular build command for production. The config.yaml file contains defaults for localhost:3000 for a local server and a RUGULAR_SERVER environment variable that can be injected during a deployment script, e.g. a Dockerfile.

Writing Sass and Haml

Rugular ships with Thoughtbot's Bourbon, Neat, and Bitters. These are included in the src/vendor directory and included in .application.sass, the manifest sass file that will be compiled in both the .tmp directory and dist directory for the rugular server and rugular build commands separately.

All files in the src directory are included via the sass-globbing gem. It is recommended that each sass file start with a top level class so that the sass files can be included irrespective of their order. For example a sass file for a header directive should look like:

  > h1
    color: red

Haml files should also start with a top-level class that has the same name of its folder.

Rugular Generators

Rugular generators assist with developing apps by creating template files in the src directory. The generated files are heavily influenced by John Papa's AngularJS Style Guide.

Each command will create a folder in the src/app directory that will contain the template files and new angular module file if one does not already exist. It will also register the angular module, by inserting its declaration in the appropriate spot in your application.

Nesting with Rugular

Each command can also contain nesting instructions when you find it appropriate to nest angular modules. An example of nesting is given below.

Create a Route

A route refers to the files necessary to generate a URL route in an angular application. Rugular utilizes Angular UI Router in its template files.

rugular generate route <route_name>

For example, rugular generate route dashboard generates the following files:


In your browser, the default ui can be seen by visiting /dashboard

Creating a nested route:

rugular generate route admin:dashboard



with a new route at /admin/dashboard

Create a Directive

A directive refers to an abstracted DOM element.

rugular generate directive <directive_name>

For example, rugular generate directive navbar generates:


This will be re-written as a component in Angular 2.0. (and it will be awesome!)

Create a Factory

A factory is an angular service that encapsulates data pulled in from other sources.

rugular generate factory <factory_name>

For example, rugular generate factory questions generates:


Create a Filter

A filter refers to special formatters in your app. For example, a filter can encapsulate a sorting function for displaying an ng-repeat.

rugular generate filter <factory_name>

For example, rugular generate filter reverse_alphabetical generates:


Creating a component

A component refers to shareable, abstracted angular modules, that are not particular to your application. For instance, if you are developing a suite of separate applications, a common navigation bar may qualify as a component. To create a component, simply run any generator command with the -c option and the service will be created in the src/components folder.

Development Server

Rugular includes a built in server that will interpret Coffeescript/Haml/Sass and run a server on localhost:5000. To run the server, type:

bundle exec rugular server

Development Tmux

Instead of running the server, rugular has built in support to generate a tmux session with Tmuxinator that includes all the processes on different panes and vim in the first pane. To start a new tmuxinator session, type:

bundle exec rugular tmux

Abstracting Bower Components

Rugular allows users to abstract both the components and app folder as one bower_component, or just the components folder as a bower_component. A new manifest file will be created in the release folder of your application and the version in the bower.json file will be updated.

App and Components Bower Component

To create a bower component with both the app and components folder run:

bundle exec rugular abstract

This will create the manifest release/#{your_app_name}.js file. Running this command multiple times will override the file.

Components Bower Component

To create a bower component with both the app and components folder run:

bundle exec rugular abstract -c

This will also create the manifest release/#{your_app_name}.js file. Running this command multiple times will override the file.

Running the tests

During development

rugular server or rugular tmux runs the unit tests with karma and the end-to-end tests with protractor. Karma watches the files in the src directory and runs the unit tests on each save. Protractor tests are intended to be run individually, or as a suite in CI.

Running the tests once

To run these tests just once (perhaps for CI) run:

rugular ci

Building the app

To build a minified version of your app in the dist folder execute:

rugular build

This will create the following files:

  • index.html
  • application.css (a minified version of the sass files in the src folder)
  • vendor.css (a minified version of bower_component and vendor files)
  • application.js (a minified version of the coffee files in the src folder)
  • vendor.js (a minified version of bower_component and vendor files)


Features coming soon:

  • Abstracting a bower component from a either the components folder or both the components and app folder as one component.
  • Fingerprinting dist asset files for caching
  • Nginx based docker container for deploying apps

As soon as it reaches a stable release:

  • angular-ui-router will be replaced by the router re-write by the Angular team.
  • Angular 1.3 will be updated to Angular 1.4 (then to 1.5)

Post Angular 2.0 changes

  • replace CoffeeScript with Typescript
  • replace the folder structure and build scripts to take advantage of EcmaScript 6 modules


  1. Fork it ( )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request


Copyright 2014-2015. Q-Centrix. MIT License.