Ruby Test CLI

Command line interface for running tests for RubyTest-based test frameworks.

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The rubytest command-line tool follows many of the usual conventions so it's use is farily straightforward. The -h/--help option is available to detail all its options. Here is a basic example of usage.

$ rubytest -Ilib test/*_test.rb

This would add lib to Ruby's $LOAD_PATH and then load all the test files matching the test/*_test.rb glob.

When running tests, you need to be sure to load in your test framework or your framework's Ruby Test adapter. This is usually done via a helper script in the test files, but might also be done via command line options, e.g.

$ rubytest -r lemon -r ae test/test_*.rb

Of course, it can become tedious having to type such a long command over and over. One way to handle this is to use an a runtime adjunct tool like DotOpts. For example, a project might add a .opts file with the entry:

  -f progress
  -r spectroscope
  -r rspecial

That will work in many cases, but to make things solid Ruby Test supports default pre-configuration files. To use, add an etc/test.rb file to a project and add (or the alias Test.configure) entries. do |r|
      r.loadpath 'lib'
      r.test_files << 'test/*_test.rb'
    end 'coverage' do |r|
      r.loadpath 'lib'
      r.test_files << 'test/*_test.rb'
      r.before do
        require 'simplecov'
        Simplecov.setup do |s|
          s.filter 'test/'
          s.command_name File.basename($0)
          s.coverage_dir 'log/coverage'    
        # to ensure proper coverage
        require 'myapp'

Now when rubytest is used the first configuration will apply. To use the 'coverage' configuration use -p/--profile option.

$ rubytest -p coverage

In this manner your project can have any number of different test configurations, and it is easy to select between them.

Note that the above example could have used Test.configure instead of They do the same thing. But do not use! because that will cause testing to be run immediately.

The configuration file can be in the config directory instead of etc, which is nice for Rails projects. But if you prefer a file in the project's root then either Testfile or .test can be also be used instead. All of these locations are supported simply because no one configuration convention has taken a solid hold in the Ruby community. However, we highly recommend using etc/test.rb. In the end that seems like the best overall convention (and beleive me, I've analyized the hell out of every option!).


Rubytest CLI is copyrighted open-source software.

Copyright (c) 2013 Rubyworks. All rights reserved.

It is redistributable and modifiable in accordance with the terms of the [BSD-2-Clause] license.

See LICENSE.txt for the full text.