
Simple, useful data structures written in pure Ruby.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'rubystructures'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install rubystructures



RubyStructures::Stack provides a First in, Last out stack implementation.

Create a new Stack:

require 'rubystructures'

@stack =

Note: by requiring rubystructures/stack instead, you can drop the RubyStructures:: prefix.

Add a value to the Stack:

# => true

Pop a value off the Stack:

# => 42

Check the size of the Stack:

# => 1

Take a peek at the value on the top of the Stack:
# => 42

Is the Stack empty?

# => false


RubyStructures::Queue implements a First in, First out queue.

Create a new Queue:

require 'rubystructures'

@queue =

Push a value onto the Queue:

# => true

You can also use enqueue as an alias for push:

# => true

Pop a value off the Queue:

# => 42

You can also use dequeue as an alias for pop:

# => 42

Take a peek at the values at the front of back of the Queue without removing them:

# => 42

# => 7

Get the size of the Queue:

# => 4

Check whether or not the Queue is empty:

# => false


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